RCMP says there are ongoing investigations into ‘green slush fund’ as House is ‘ground to a halt’



  1. Difficult-Yam-1347 on

    “Hogan’s report found “significant lapses” in the $1-billion fund’s governance and handling of public funds. For example, she discovered 90 decisions in which SDTC violated its own conflict-of-interest policies.

    She also noted that one out of six projects funded by SDTC (worth a total of $59 million) she audited weren’t eligible and, in some cases, didn’t even support the development of a new green technology.”

  2. Hot-Percentage4836 on

    There needs to be investigation. Will the RCMP do its job?

    >« *On Sept. 27,* [*House Speaker Greg Fergus ruled*](https://nationalpost.com/news/politics/government-seemingly-violated-house-powers-on-green-slush-fund-docs-speaker-rules) *that the government appeared to have violated the vast powers of the Commons when it failed to surrender all unredacted records on SDTC so they could be provided to the RCMP, as ordered by MPs on June 10.* »

    The simple fact the Liberals go this lenght to violate the powers, to not comply, to hide its contents, seem extremely fishy. This does not look good, not at all.

    The resulting impression is that the Liberals want to protect themselves or someone, and that they know they are in the wrong.

  3. You always wondered why there’s such a push for climate change by people who live in mansions and fly all over the world every month.  I guess this is it.

  4. likeaspydermonkey on

    Any chance I could get $10 million or so if I promise to power my hot tub with a windmill?

  5. morbidangel27 on

    If we audited the last decade of government spending,

    I’m sure we’d be in for a not so pleasant surprise on what our money is being used for.

  6. lmao what happened to rcmp investigation on foreign interference

    i guess they will get to the SDTC after the election

  7. House leader Karina Gould argued in her CBC interview that to give the documents over would be “trampling the rights of Canadians”.

    Id like to know exactly WHICH Canadians rights she’s referring to because it appears that the rest of the House including all the opposition parties and the speaker want the documents released.

    She tried to present this is a threat to ANY Canadian that at any point Parliament could use its extraordinary powers to force the police to look into matters and that is “inappropriate” use of its powers.

    Well Ms Gould I think when Canadians have watched your gov blow money like it was an endless supply and watched you double our national debt at an extraordinary rate, and watched inquiries find that you were ok with approving an $80,000 app that became a $60 million dollar boondoggle, and that hundreds of your own gov employees scammed covid benefits, then we have every reason to believe Parliament SHOULD use its extraordinary powers to see the books and absolutely NO fear that Parliament is coming after any of us.

    Show us the books Karina. Time’s up.

  8. This should be the top story across every news program in Canada. There are some pieces, like this one. But on CBC, G&M and yesterday’s political shows? Crickets… There is corruption here. 100s of millions of tax payer $s. Huge companies getting 100s of millions of green $ but don’t have to commit to any emission reductions.

    Crickets… No one in the political news world is asking, why is the LPC not offering up these documents. Why the fuck not?

    I remember the $16 orange juice was many weeks coverage. I remember someone paying out of their own pocket Mike Duffy’s bills of < $100K that went on for 5+ months of non-stop coverage.

    But today, BILLIONS not being accounted for. Is the number so numbing to these liberal arts majors that bypasses their thinking?

    Just Crickets…

  9. Barking__Pumpkin on

    Money corrupting otherwise well-meaning people once again. /s

    Think of how many orphaned wells could have been cleaned up in Alberta with this taxpayer money! Sure, oil companies are supposed to be doing this on their own dime but we cannot expect the free market to solve ALL the problems in Canada.

    I expect the RCMP to do a thorough job of this right after they wrap up the investigation into the Doug Ford corruption case where he took money from developer buddies for their Quid Pro Quo arrangements.

  10. The Trudeau liberal governments main reason to hang on to power Is to hide their corruption.

  11. I wonder if the RCMP is slow-walking this investigation until after the next election. They can keep a case file open indefinately.

    The Canadian people deserve to know right now, RCMP!

  12. RedEyedWiartonBoy on

    I suspect the grinding started around Day 2 and the halt was inevitable. The conflict of the suspect government or agency of government controlling the police or regulatory body invedtigsting them is a common theme in Canada.

    It is nowhere more clearly at play than when the RCMP is looking into Liberal malfeasance.

    Is it any surprise that we cannot have serious governance when a Prime Minister indicates in a recent podcast that one of his goals is to stick around so that his son can vote for him rather than acting in the best interest of the country?

  13. atticusfinch1973 on

    This type of thing should trigger an automatic non confidence in the government. If the speaker has to shut down the house, it means there’s no faith in proper governance anymore.