Flights From Incheon International Airport Delayed Due to N. Korea's Trash Balloons

Photo : YONHAP News

Several flights at Incheon International Airport have been delayed due to trash-carrying balloons sent by North Korea.

An official from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport announced on Friday that some international flights experienced delays since the morning due to the trash-carrying balloons sent by the North.

The official further explained that the airport currently operates three runways, but only one runway for takeoff was in operation due to the balloons, resulting in delays in departures.

On Wednesday, trash-carrying balloons were discovered in the skies over Incheon International Airport, as takeoffs and landings were temporarily suspended for 14 minutes from 6:14 a.m. to 6:28 a.m.

Aviation authorities temporarily suspend flights for safety reasons when the balloons approach the airport at a certain distance.

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