Imagine spending 1.5m~2m USD on your cookie-cutter Seoul apartment and the construction company routinely spams literal ad banners in front of your window.

Posted by Taeyoonie_


  1. Better than paying 1.5m USD for your condo in LA only to walk out to a street smelling like piss and seeing homeless zombies high on fentanyl or meth.

  2. All I see is a single banner in front of zero windows. It’s not even clear if the banner is even in the apartment complex itself (to me it looks outside).

  3. You live on the first floor? There are no first floor apartments in the adjacent buildings to where this sign is hanging.

    Imagine coming to Reddit to post some fake outrage.

  4. Op is the type of person that would call the cops on kids selling lemonade cause they don’t have a permit 😂

  5. anonymous_croc on

    as a person who lived in a apartment complex with those spammed like every block, yes they’re very annoying