I tried drawing Europe from memory, this is what I came up with!


Posted by robin-msr


  1. Still better than I could do. Although I could have helped you with the shape of France!

  2. I couldn’t do better. Connecting the black sea with the mediterranean, giving Switzerland sea access and putting a whole channel between turkey and europe are some interesting concepts though

  3. This was way harder than I thought it was, and I did quite worse than I felt while drawing it. Most tricolor flags are completly off, I robbed France a bit of coastline, Swiss apperantly got a new beach, Serbia got on two times, while Moldova moves a to the next country border to the west. But overall, still recognizable.

  4. whatstefansees on

    You know the Balkans, especially the former Yugoslavian part – better than the rest ;o)

  5. Somebody_Said_ on

    Alternate universe where Poland conquered 2/3 rd of Russian and turning it to colony.

  6. JannePieterse on

    Did you do all the flags from memory too? That’s pretty good. I’d struggle with the Balkans, and the Baltics.

    Otherwise my many hours of playing Rome: Total War and Crusader Kings 2 make me pretty confident I could do the shapes better. :p

  7. Ok-Network-9754 on

    I absolutely love it . Be up on my fridge . Denmark is my favorite looks like it was drawn just for the cross

  8. Britain has already taken the 6 counties of Ireland, and your man is giving them a bit of Donegal too

  9. Lotta shit talking here but I’d say you did a great job. Is it perfect? Of course not. But still better than 99% of people on the street could do. Well done!

  10. For a second there I had thought Poland colonised 2/3rds of Russia.

    France looks like a badly squashed slice of Bread, meanwhile the Italians took Corsica whilst they weren’t looking, and Britain is slowly drifting North away from Mainland Europe (… something something Brexit)