Moscow close to removing Taliban from list of terrorist organisations

Posted by duckanroll


  1. hehe) How can a terrorist state consider another terrorist organization terroristic) One more proof that Russia is supporting Taliban, Hesbolla and other terroristic organizations)

  2. Fickle-Message-6143 on

    It not like other will not do that. If they are terrorist why everyone has diplomatic relationships with them?

  3. As horrible as they are they’re the only thing available to offer what can be considered a functioning Afghan government and a functioning nation state. The best Afghanistan can hope for is to eventually perhaps become an Iranian-style theocracy with elements of democracy. At least it’s a functioning state.

    Monarchism failed. Communism failed. Democracy was a joke. Certain regions need certain governments, you need to be pragmatic and look for stability.

    I honestly do think people need to be more open minded about what works in one place and what is better suited for another without making judgements. If Communism helped Russia and China develop then that’s ok, that doesn’t mean Communism is needed in the UK or US. Likewise if the Taliban works for Afghanistan that doesn’t mean support for Islamic theocracies worldwide.

  4. SupremeMisterMeme on

    Funny how pro-russkies never show up in the comments of those kinds of posts. Like, how tf can you see this and think ‘Yep, russia is doing the right thing here!’, especially with the history russia had with Afghanistan?

    Literally spitting on their own fathers graves.

  5. There’s more dangerous states than the Taliban, including all of Afghanistan neighbors, expect Tajikistan.

  6. When everybody else hates you, your only bet is to befriend the other hated shitholes of the world, thats why Russias only friends are North Korea, Iran, Belarus and China, and maybe now Taliban. Just shows how much Russia actually sucks.