So that only negative experiences will not be shared, because rarely anyone makes an effort to publish positive ones. Anyway, I made an appointment last night for today at 9:15. I arrived a little early, at 8:55, but I was a bit cramped when there were about 50 people in the waiting room, but my number (as can be seen from the picture) was called at 9:07 and I was already leaving at 9:15 EU.

Posted by Nekikakec


  1. Jaz sem šel pred parimi tedni na Linhartovo dati delati novo osebno. Brez najave sem prišel, vzel listek in sem se usedel med 5 ljudi v čakalnici. Komaj sem se usedel, so me že poklicali notri k referentu, da sem uredil novo osebno. Vse skupaj sem bil tam 5min.