Trump: “Show me someone without an ego, and I’ll show you a loser”

Posted by susierabbit


  1. > “Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.” — *Matthew 23:12*

  2. legendary_millbilly on

    Yup, he’s so pissed that it’s dropping right before the election but all the delay bullshit was trumps doing.

    Between merrick garland and trump, this shit is 4 yrs old.

    It’s about time to get it settled.

  3. batmanscodpiece on

    Honestly, this seems like a big deal, but it isn’t.

    It isn’t going to sway anyone’s decision on the election. It’s already known that he is a felon, and an adjudicated rapist. The undecided voters are making their decision on the economy or immigration.

    And all he has to do is get this case back in front of the Supreme Court, where they will say 6-3, “Actually, yeah, these were all official acts” since they made themselves the final arbiters.

  4. saveMericaForRealDo on

    Don’t relive 2016. Don’t get complacent. Get out of your comfort zone.

    Talk to friend and family and sell them on Harris.

    She has an economic plan.

    It’s comprehensive. And she doesn’t just say “tariffs, tariffs, tariffs “ because unlike Trump, she understands that would make imports more expensive for Americans and lead to higher inflation.

    Plus she doesn’t threaten to end the first amendment like Trump has when he threatened to imprison journalists, critics and non-Christians.

    Plus she doesn’t threaten to end the Second amendment like when he said in Feb 2018 “take the guns first, due process later.”

    Plus she doesn’t threaten to terminate the entire Constitution like Trump did in December 2022. you know, the whole “we the people “ document folks have on their bumper sticker.

    Jon Stewart did a really good segment on how the candidates are being warped by the media.

    We can do this.

  5. redditistheway on

    There is no room for complacency. 2016 cannot be repeated. Harris must win in a landslide. Vote Blue all the way down ballot too.

    Trump threatens democratic principles for his personal gain. We have to realise that there are more nefarious forces behind him who will use the precedents he sets to do even more lasting damage.

    Check your registrations and go and vote. Bring your friends. This could be the most consequential election in all our lifetimes.

    It’s worth it to lose a days pay to preserve democracy.

  6. His cult couldn’t care less and will just call it election interference by the DOJ and Biden. They are so deep down the MAGA and Q sewers they can’t see the light of day anymore.

  7. Trump visited a Trump Organization property on 428 (nearly one in three) of the 1,461 days of his presidency and is estimated to have played 261 rounds of golf, one every 5.6 days.

    From February 2017-2020, WHILE PRESIDENT, Trump held more than 150 rallies and fundraisers for this campaign, visiting key electoral states.