Boy sentenced to life in detention over Woodnutt murder

Posted by badger-biscuits


  1. The “mutilated, faceless” comment by the family sent shivers down my spine. What a horrific nightmare for her family. 

  2. DesignerWest1136 on

    Yet another case that all the Irish patriots, concerned parents and citizen journalists have been very quiet about for some odd reason…

    I wonder why?

  3. This kid will never change, he needs to be locked up for life or at least kept away from society. He is 1000% a psychopath.

    That poor woman and her family, my heart goes out to them.

  4. We have had some sick sick children do horrible things in the last few years such as this and Ana Kriegel.

    Have these types of things happened before or is this a new development?

  5. When they say life. Do they mean he will be in for the standard 14 years or do they mean that he will not be left out again?

  6. > Lorna not be defined by the grotesque way she was murdered, mutilated, faceless.

    Jaysus wept

  7. AnT-aingealDhorcha40 on

    “Now I regret it because I’m stuck here.”

    What a cunt of a youngfella… zero remorse.

    Throw away the key.

    God give strength to the victim’s loved ones.

  8. At the time it was stated he was cruel to animals and known to the Gardai, should have been sectioned sooner.

  9. The judge did the right thing.  The kid is extremely disturbed and that’s sad . But what he did to this poor woman is a lot sadder and the judge has to protect society and set and example. 

  10. Able-Exam6453 on

    Thank god this hasn’t dragged on for ages ; that devastated family deserved the swiftest possible confirmation that this little bastard is now dealt with.

    You’d feel for any person with autism, or parents of an autistic child. It’s inevitable that there’ll be ignorant assumptions and attitudes broadcast now. It’ll settle down, but it’s miserable and cruel. As for this young man, I dunno at all. If at 16 he was so volatile and without any human empathy at all, autism seems like a lesser defence or mitigation than it might for a child of ten lashing out in a similar way.

    But whatever about talk of treatment and rehabilitation, we’ve seen so many extraordinary and grotesque murders these past few years that even if it could be proven that our society is basically sick at its core, we still need certain egregious offenders to be removed from its midst. Some things cannot be explained away or atoned for, even if the offender was quite young at the time.

    You feel like yelling a Daily Mail cry that in these cases at least, ‘life’ really ought to mean a lifetime. Even if these slightly grey area lifers were to live permanently in civilised, enlightened confinement (rather than a Mountjoy), then fine, by all means. In fact, that’s as it should be. Just let them be excluded from society. If a first offence, perpetrated was a teenager, is so very far outside the boundaries of understanding or allowances, then tough titty. You’re ‘exiled’.

  11. Ok_Magazine_3383 on

    > Mr Justice McDermott also noted that the report expressed a concern that the boy had an “unhealthy interest” in a number of well known male role models who “pedal extreme beliefs and values” and that this had an effect in shaping the boy’s thinking.

    > This thinking indicated one could do things regardless of rules or how other people were affected, the judge said, and encouraged a negative attitude towards women.

    Oh I wonder which male role models these might be.

  12. Blaming autism is beyond ridiculous for the actions of this kid. There’s way more to why he ended up doing this.

    Shouldn’t even have a review in 15 years. Lock away for good

  13. Christ, the news today is just filled with absolute horrific attacks and abuse of women by men/boys.

    (As an aside the usual dregs aren’t giving out as fast when it’s known Irish men doing it)

  14. The horror and suffering this woman was put through in her last moments, absolutely terrible. Disgusting act and to comprehend how a human could do this to another.

    Psychologically disturbed or not may this brat never know what freedom feels like for the rest of his life.

  15. Surely it’s  “peddle extreme beliefs”, not pedal? 

    Question: when he turns 18, does the anonymity lapse? I don’t care to know the name, but I was wondering how that works when there aren’t minor victims involved.

  16. Excellent-Ostrich908 on

    “He had been showing increasingly challenging and deteriorating behaviour at home and at school, including becoming verbally aggressive towards women and threatening to set a female student alight.”

    When are they going to start taking this kind of shit seriously? He threatened women constantly in his past and they obviously did the right thing and reported it and…. Nothing? Then he was free to kill this poor woman in violent, cold blood. 🤷‍♀️

    He chose to listen to Andrew Taint etc. He chose to take part in women hating. I have ASD and using this as a reason for misogyny and murder is just offensive, frankly and makes the neurodivergent communities lives more difficult.

  17. Impressive_Essay_622 on

    ”  the boy had an “unhealthy interest” in a number of well known male role models who “pedal extreme beliefs and values” and that this had an effect in shaping the boy’s thinking.”

    Hoooly Shit. Look, I’m not gonna get all ‘satanic panic,’ over streamers n shit. You can’t blame a medium for how some people use it…

    But I do think that this does bring up some serious concerns over moderation on all live streaming services. Stream, kick etc…  

    The vast majority of Irish parents will not get remotely involved in moderating or checking this shit. I do think that these platforms need to be forced to be more careful with those who express extreme views. 

    Jfc just this week you have Andrew Tate, Nick Fuentes, Sneako and admin Ross all streaming their dangerous stupid shit together…

    ..On these platforms that are definitely aimed at kids. 

  18. bansheebones456 on

    I really don’t believe that teenagers who commit murder or violent acts like this deserve protection.