Cutting off your nose to spite your face, politics edition.

Posted by MarcusQuintus


  1. everythingbeeps on

    Especially when you consider that basically all the third party candidates are/were funded by conservatives.

  2. GhostofAugustWest on

    Government and politics are all about compromises. I will never understand someone who would prefer to get nothing rather than 60-70% of what they want.

  3. This is how Roe got overturned and thousands of families got torn apart at the border.

    It is also estimated that 100’s of thousands of unnecessary deaths were caused by Trump treating Covid as a political issue rather than a public health one.

    So sure, wait for perfect. What’s the worst that can happen?

  4. This is why preferential voting is required. Everywhere!
    cpg grey on you tube has a couple of videos that explain it perfectly.

  5. FredFlinstonesKilt on

    The Bernie Bro effect. The Republican party thanks them for their generous contribution.

  6. Many “leftists” on reddit are educated conservatives using pedantry to further divide anyone with a shred of decency and villainizing “liberals” (knowing that right wing media equates leftists and liberals, so this *only* hurts the progressive parties.)

    Many people pushing for “perfect” policies (without acknowledging the time, effort, and steps it takes to get to that legislation) and demonizing the steps to get there, are saboteurs. (See the cannabis legalization movement.)

  7. Fun fact: The news has already ran stories about how Harris and Harris/ Walz is to far left of center to win in a general election. This is absolutely going to be every news channel’s talking point if they do not win this November.

    Withholding your vote because you don’t think the Dems are “left” enough for your tastes will have 100% the opposite reaction from the party.

    Also, that fact was not actually fun

  8. Delicious-Ocelot3751 on

    had a conversation with a friend the other day that basically went

    “what if we let trump win again so the pendulum swings even harder next time”

    harris/walz are as progressive liberal as it gets. they want to go back to the status quo like a lot of people do… but the status quo is the reason why we’re here now. we need actual meaningful changes and not course corrections. biden went pretty far into the right to meet MAGA and it’s dimwits where they stand, harris plans on continuing that tradition as well.

  9. Advanced-Ingenuity46 on

    Basically 2016 all over again. I know several people that voted third party then because somehow Hillary was as bad as Trump in their minds. I just sit silent as they explain their rationale.

  10. MainlyMicroPlastics on

    I agree with the post and I truly understand where it’s coming from

    But I really wish the Democrats would realize it’s easier to motivate 100 progressives than it is to convert 10 Trump supporters

    When Kamala does things like reverse her stance on universal healthcare, it hurts her more than helps her and that’s not talked about enough

  11. ItsSuchaFineLine on

    Third party voters are as clueless and destructive to our democracy as Magas and I’ll never forgive them for 2016. I think their ignorance stands out even more for me from that time because they were so obtuse about it, too. They may be what gets us Trump again this time around, too.

  12. naththegrath10 on

    Bring this same energy to the upper middle class middle age white voters who call themselves “moderates” but vote republicans. They are the ones who drag the democrat party to the right only for them to not vote Dem.

  13. I wish I knew how to link YT videos, because I would link to the Cell v Gohan fight in the abridged series. Cell talks to Gohan about his pacifist mindset and letting people die, but he kept to his moral compass

  14. I guarantee that if Harris loses, the Democratic Party will not shift to the left. It will do what it did in the 90s and shift to the right. Those marginal GOP voters who may be willing to vote Democrat are far more reliable and likely to help Dems win elections than Leftists who seem to think it’s all or nothing when it comes to supporting a politician.

  15. PlantPocalypse on

    Basically describing any of the tankie subs. Im not sure however if they’re actual basement communists or Russian agents. They basically have the same job though

  16. Yup. I can’t condemn anyone for voting their conscience, but people should know the results of their actions. 3rd party candidates in US presidential elections function only as vote splitters, advantaging the candidate they are least like.

  17. I want to vote for the woman who shows up like a cicada every four years. She does nothing to build her base or show that she’s a real candidate. She is the definition of a spoiler. I hope and pray people don’t fall for her moscow sponsored horseshit again this year.

  18. If Trump gets in he will replace 2 more Supreme Court justices. It will be the end of any progress we have made in this country. It will be over. I don’t understand why people are so small minded. This election is bigger than ever. Please for my gay son’s rights, for my daughter’s rights, for our environment vote blue!

  19. theimmortalgoon on

    >Inexperienced revolutionaries often think that legal methods of struggle are opportunist because, in this field, the bourgeoisie has most frequently deceived and duped the workers (particularly in “peaceful” and non-revolutionary times), while illegal methods of struggle are revolutionary. That, however, is wrong. The truth is that those parties and leaders are opportunists and traitors to the working class that are unable or unwilling (do not say, “I can’t”; say, “I shan’t”) to use illegal methods of struggle in conditions such as those which prevailed, for example, during the imperialist war of 1914–18, when the bourgeoisie of the freest democratic countries most brazenly and brutally deceived the workers, and smothered the truth about the predatory character of the war. But revolutionaries who are incapable of combining illegal forms of struggle with every form of legal struggle are poor revolutionaries indeed. It is not difficult to be a revolutionary when revolution has already broken out and is in spate, when all people are joining the revolution just because they are carried away, because it is the vogue, and sometimes even from careerist motives. After its victory, the proletariat has to make most strenuous efforts, even the most painful, so as to “liberate” itself from such pseudo-revolutionaries. ***It is far more difficult—and far more precious—to be a revolutionary when the conditions for direct, open, really mass and really revolutionary struggle do not yet exist, to be able to champion the interests of the revolution (by propaganda, agitation and organisation) in non-revolutionary bodies, and quite often in downright reactionary bodies, in a non-revolutionary situation, among the masses who are incapable of immediately appreciating the need for revolutionary methods of action.*** To be able to seek, find and correctly determine the specific path or the particular turn of events that will lead the masses to the real, decisive and final revolutionary struggle—such is the main objective of communism in Western Europe and in America today.


    Who, apparently, is a weak pseudo-leftist rightwing liberal.