Foxes, badgers and hares sold as live bait in underground wildlife trade

Posted by Starkidof9


  1. Brilliant investigative article, how is it that time and time again humans are shown to be the absolute worst living thing in Ireland?
    I can’t even watch the video on the article, the pictures are bad enough.

    If any political party goes after these absolute scumbags as well as the greyhound industry, I will vote for them for the rest of my life. I want to see all these pricks in prison.

  2. *”Hey honey, do you want to watch Ripley on Netflix?”*

    *”Nah, I’m gonna watch some dogs eviscerate a fox in a barn”*

  3. Buaille_Ruaille on

    Some coursing folk will do anything to blood their greyhounds. Government gave an extra 4m in the budget to the horse/greyhound industry.

  4. Due-Communication724 on

    So far this morning, we have this, we have 8 people torturing a women and we have a fully grown man in court for punching his 8 year old child. I might need a few hours off the internet to settle the blood pressure.

  5. TheStoicNihilist on

    We don’t take wildlife crime seriously here. You’d get a €500 fine and told to be on your way no matter how depraved the crime.

  6. Fine Gael and Fianna Fail gave the greyhound industry a nice bump in funding this week.

    Them and their tory friends love bloodsports and hunting innocent animals. Scumbags.

  7. Email your local TD and Darragh oBrien and Malcolm Noonan (who grant licences for coursing and fox hunting) to have this addressed in the dail. More funding is required to combat wildlife crime and more public awareness needed so these cowards are brought into the spotlight

  8. wascallywabbit666 on

    Part of the reason for the low conviction rate in the past is that the NPWS was chronically underfunded and didn’t have the resources to investigate wildlife crimes.

    That has changed under the current government, as Malcolm Noonan of the Greens has substantially increased funding to the NPWS, increased staffing by 50%, and given them more independence from the government.

    Convictions for wildlife crime have increased substantially in recent years. Next task is to make some of the cruel bloodsports illegal, but I think the big political parties are afraid of the fallout from rural voters

  9. Jesus what a disturbing article.

    On the prosecution side of things:

    >11 prosecutions for illegal possession of wildlife were brought before Irish courts between 2010 and 2023.

    Great! Hope they were dealt with accordingly…….

    >none of the offenders ended up with a criminal record when sentenced by judges.

    Ah they must have gotten some punishment…..

    >Five were dealt with under the Probation Act, with most offenders ordered to pay a donation to an animal charity.

    For. Fucks. Sake.

  10. Existing_Outside4386 on

    The likes of “Irish working dogs” etc should be banned off Facebook. You can’t sell dogs on Facebook because it’s considered as contributing to poor welfare but for some reason it’s okay to have documented slaughter of rabbits and foxes. It’s just awful.