I have it narrowed down to between 1914 and 1944 because of it having Tuva but am not sure if there is any other details someone can help me with to narrow it down. Thank you in advance.

Posted by Linusthewise


  1. It’s a historical anachronism! Tannu Tuva exists as an independent state but Germany and Japan have post WW2 borders. I bet it was made around 1945-47 though, post WW2, before Indian splitting up (Central Asia tended to be ignored by outsiders at the time any way).

  2. It is not possible to pinpoint any particular year from this globe because it is not consistent.

  3. LaughingHiram on

    Post 1947 before 1952 is as close as I can get.

    India and Pakistan were United until 1947.

  4. It’s pre-1941 based on Yugoslavia’s border with Italy. My guess is that it’s from the 1930s. It has airplane routes so it can’t be as old as 1914.

  5. Electrical_Ad726 on

    Globe has some contradictions Israel is 1948 but Finland lost its arctic sea access in 1939 , Germany is not split into east and west as it was post WW2. You still have French Indochina . Only one Korea

  6. throwaway-acct-2421 on

    OP, my guess 1948 to 1949, probably the latter year. It mentions Israel, which was established in 1948, and had successful fought what its supporters describe as its War of Independence, which de facto ended (armistice) in 1949. It also mentions the Netherlands Indies (aka Dutch East Indies) where the nation-state of Indonesia is today. Indonesia wasn’t granted independence until December 1949.

  7. minaminonoeru on

    I’m guessing that this globe was created recently (within the last 10 years) as a specific concept.

  8. tinymammothsnout on

    The inclusion of Pakistan in India, but still separate is highly suggestive of this being 1940s. The absence of Kashmir as it’s shown in maps today makes me think this is prior to 1947. Prior to 1947, it was in the sphere of influence, but not directly controlled by the British. The inclusion of Pakistan on the west but not on the east also confirms that this is prior to 1947.

    Overall, 1945 would be my guess. I’m very confident this is after 1939 because Pakistan was barely a concept prior to that, and not taken seriously by anyone except a minority Muslim group (who wouldn’t have made this map)

  9. Iron-Phoenix2307 on

    Between >1944 because of tannu tuva,

    and <1952 because Isreal is independent and only one korea.

  10. the Youtuber Atlas pro had a similar if not the same globe and figured out it was a nostalgic Knick knack you lay in your house and forget about, was made in the 60s but “celebrates” a time around 1933 (link to the video below)

    [What Year Was This Globe Made? (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2u3ujFhxEug)

  11. intangible-tangerine on

    Ghana – 1957 or later

    No Bangladesh – before 1972

    Post subsaharan Africa so we can see who owned what. A lot of decolinisation happened in the 60s

  12. Funnyanduniquename1 on

    Well, it’s obviously after 1922 because Ireland is independent, it also has some post and some pre-WWII borders in Europe.

    Basically, it’s a shit globe.

  13. This is a “retro” map. which means it is made to show the world at an earlier date.

    I knew it was not made during its time because:

    1. Tibet, this is a dead giveaway. extremely few maps made before 1951 showed Tibet as independent. it was mostly considered a part of China similar to many rebel/separatist controlled regions of today aren’t marked on the map as a separate country.

    it was only after Dalai Lama gained Western support in 1959 that people in the West started retroactively see Tibet as “formerly independent”

    2) it showed Israel as well as many post-World War 2 borders, yet many of the countries’ and places names were pre-world war 2. for example, other users pointed out that Thailand was no longer called Siam

    3) there is no way a globe made 70+ years ago looks this new.

  14. testmonkeyalpha on

    With the sheer number of inconsistencies it is clear you cannot rely on features displayed that no longer exist. You’ll need to look at modern day features that are displayed and get the highest date for those to figure out the oldest possible date for the map. I’m going to do some digging and see what date I can come up with.

  15. DryAfternoon7779 on

    You have a single German state, Israel, and Stalingrad on one map. Those three things have not existed at the same time.

  16. i’m going to say some time between may 14th, 1948 to september 9th, 1948. i’ll explain my reasoning with the time being narrowed down.

    India and Pakistan are likely being considered one country due to dominion status (August 15, 1947 – January 29th, 1950)

    Israel is independent (May 14th, 1948 – January 29th, 1950)

    Germany is still one country (May 14th, 1948 – October 7th, 1949)

    Korea is still one country (May 14th, 1948 – September 9th, 1948)

    everything else could possibly be mistakes from more out of date globes, or a very cheap and rushed production time period. it takes time for people to accept the new names of countries, like how some still refer to myanmar as “Burma” like in the case of thailand/siam here. whoever made it may not have known of tuva’s annexation as well.