I have made the near-impossible choice to terminate a pregnancy. Shaming woman for it is cruel



  1. cranberrygurl on

    i can’t believe it has to be stated that there is essentially zero women who would want to have a third trimester abortion. You are only doing that to save your life/not go through unnecessary suffering of giving birth to a child that will die quickly.

  2. Hey lets not let this become a new topic. We as a country have made laws. We have discussed this. There is a healthcare system and recognition of same.  

     We will not go back.  

     I understand the propaganda machine loves this topic in its cycle – it keeps people busy. Save your ATP for the issues we haven’t already sorted.  

     Wealth, climate, other healthcare, your local library, schools etc.  There are plenty of things to discuss. 

    Reproduction and healthcare has been sorted and in australia we have safety and choice. 

     We will not go back. It’s not up for discussion. 

    (I understand the outrage and why we need to protect the current laws after america. But america happened because the people got distracted from the mechanisms of power and coercion, not because of single topics like abortion, immigration etc. these are astroturfed concerns)

  3. I’m not a lib and don’t want to get in the way of them fucking themself up, but politically this is an absolute looser.

    Every poll keeps [coming back](https://www.childrenbychoice.org.au/organisational-information/papers-reports/attitudes-to-abortion/) with strong majority support for abortion and a strong negative attached to politicians looking to curtail it.

    > The polling commissioned by Fair Agenda in February 2017 found that 60% of Queenslanders would be less likely to vote for an MP who opposed decriminalisation. The majority of voters across almost all parties were of this position, including 48% of LNP voters, 56% of One Nation voters, 68% of Labor voters and 77% of Greens voters.

    There isn’t the public will to impose religious beliefs into the area, [even amongst Liberal voters](https://www.fpnsw.org.au/media-news/media-releases/new-poll-shows-overwhelming-support-abortion-law-reform-opposition).

    > Those using their religion as a reason to object to the Bill should pay close attention to the fact that 81% of those polled, including 76% of Liberal voters, agree that someone’s religious beliefs should not impact on another person’s access to abortion,”

    It is an absolute shame the fringe religious freaks are going to self immolate over this and hurt people in the process over a fight they have so conclusively lost.

  4. Morekindness101 on

    If there is one thing I’m totally sick of, it’s people trying to control what a woman does with her body.
    It’s between her and her doctor. All these religious and/or right wing people trying to have a say in other peoples health decisions can go and stick their opinions where the sun don’t shine.

  5. Interesting-Bee-3166 on

    Beyond cruel. I have a genetic disability and cannot carry, pregnancy can and would kill me. I’m 100% pro choice, but it would still be an immensely difficult decision to make, to terminate. We need to empower women to make their own decisions about their healthcare, and accept that abortion is healthcare whilst also supporting them whilst they grieve a loss. It’s an incredibly difficult time, and the rhetoric that people get abortions like buying cheeseburgers could not be further from the truth.

  6. I can’t express how much I hate these religious fuckwits who won’t mind their own business

  7. as the mother of an ex 25 weeker who has fortunately been very healthy i rage at forced birthers using children like her for their propaganda, and that’s without the heartbreak of the poor author of the article – we got lucky and we know it. the forced birth brigade don’t give a flying fuck about children like her, no one is just deciding to abort a child at that stage for funsies and if they are, why would you even want them being mothers?

  8. Don’t you know, it’s *way better* to have a baby you don’t want and can’t afford.. or one who will live a miserable life full of pain due to incurable conditions, than to terminate a pregnancy safely.
