Vance refuses to answer whether Trump lost 2020 election


  1. account_for_yaoi on

    I know that “yes or no” questions can often be loaded and that it’s understandable to initially avoid a direct answer in those cases.

    Walz’s question, however, ought to have elicited the easiest “yes, he lost” ever.

  2. 2HDFloppyDisk on

    Oh he answered it clearly by attempting to not answer. His message was loud and clear.

  3. Journalists need to ask him this question every time they see him.

    Unfortunately, they will fail to do this, because they’re clueless.

    Hopefully, at some dipshit country fair or coffee shop, a voter will.

    And he will squirm and dodge again.

  4. Illuminated12 on

    I can’t understand how a guy that has watched Biden stand in front of the Seal of the United States for the last 4 years can’t figure out who won in 2020. The guy is dumb as a rock apparently.

  5. Delicious_Cats on

    Vance refuses to answer if trump lost the election, and refuses to answer if he’ll certify the election. That’s ALL you need to know. He will not support the peaceful transition of power, he will not support the rule of Democracy that our nation is founded on. Vance is just trump jr

  6. It is insane that an entire party shows fealty to a failed buisnessman/reality show host.

  7. I_like_baseball90 on

    You cannot declare someone the winner of a debate who claims Trump’s stupid lies about the ’20 election are true no matter how civil he was.

    The guy lied throughout the whole thing but because he was nice, somehow he won. Makes zero sense.

    Luckily this neitehr gained nor lost any votes for anyone.

  8. Just the fact he kept saying Harris Administration shows he has no idea what the VP role is.

    His entire point was to blast Harris and blame her for the current state of affairs, which Republicans are responsible for.

  9. CrotasScrota84 on

    Nothing else he said matters that one question if you can’t answer it you should immediately be taken off stage and disqualified from running the country with Trump the head of the snake.

    How is this so hard to grasp.

  10. MeetingKey4598 on

    It was a bit rough for Walz early but he picked it up and this was really a great way to cap the night. I’m glad he snuck this in there and Vance was caught for all to see. Especially the line about how this is why Pence isn’t on the stage.

    Ignoring everything else, in a few moments Vance outted himself as someone who is willing to suspend reality if it helps him politically. It is not a debate — Trump lost. But Vance is not allowed to say it because he’d be politically ruined. Huge disqualifier.

  11. Should we really have a VP who is too afraid to admit the truth? He knows that trump lost. He is just too afraid to say it.

    No wonder that party answers to Russia. They’re a bunch of cowards.

  12. Vance, for just a split second, looked physically ill there. Like he wanted to say, “yeah, no shit he lost.” But he couldn’t, he knew he had to debase himself at the alter of Trump loyalty in front of everyone watching.

    Furthermore, Vance’s equivocating between Clinton’s hemming and hawing about Russian interference in 2016 with Trump’s claims of 2020 being stolen was laughable as well. Clinton called Trump the morning after the election, conceded, and gave a concession speech that day urging her voters to wish Trump the best of luck in helming our nation, then attended Trump’s inauguration. Trump did no such thing, then lied about it for two months after the election to such a degree that some of his most ardent supporter attempted some sloppy grab for power on January 6th. Ultimately, people ended up dead because of those lies.

  13. PunfullyObvious on

    They just need to win this one and there will never need to be another election.

    *that is one of MANY reasons they MUST .. NOT .. WIN*

  14. Embarrassed_Pipe_109 on

    Vance never seems like he’s receiving anything anyone is saying.

    Like he’s that person that’s already focused on what they wanna say the moment you open your mouth.

  15. This should be the only headline regarding Vance in these post debate articles. Everything else is just journalistic malpractice, but we all know that most mainstream media couldn’t give less fucks about silly stuff like defending democracy. 

  16. Between this and the “I thought you guys weren’t fact checking” gem, how can any rational person think that Vance should be allowed to be on the ticket?

  17. This should tip over any “undecided” voter but honestly if someone cannot see how absolutely dangerous another term would be it begs to the question of cognizance

  18. If they admit they lost the election, they also have to admit they did everything in their power to overturn a free and fair election making them an enemy to democracy.