A hurricane’s aftermath may indirectly cause up to 11,000 deaths, researchers report in Nature | An analysis of 501 tropical cyclones reveals excess deaths in the years following the event — particularly vulnerable after storms are infant and Black populations

A hurricane’s aftermath may spur up to 11,000 deaths


  1. >That’s a Mount Everest of an estimate compared to the official number of deaths — 24 — that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration attributes to the average storm in the team’s analysis. The results suggest that “hurricanes and tropical storms are a much greater public health concern than anyone previously thought,” said Rachel Young, a University of California at Berkeley environmental economist.

    [Read more here](https://www.sciencenews.org/article/hurricane-helene-death-rate-increase) and the [research here](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-024-07945-5)

  2. moondog696969 on

    would love to hear the data behind a claim like that! Anyone can understand how infants might be particularly vulnerable after such events but to identify an entire race to be effected anymore than another?

    Please share this hypothesis, supporting data and how that conclusion was drawn. By inference of what this says white, yellow, and brown populations are less vulnerable after a hurricane or cyclone. Please I have to hear this logic please share.