At debate, Vance whines: You weren’t supposed to fact check me!


  1. There were multiple points during the debate where you could hear in his voice that he was about to cry

  2. The debates are the most important place to fact-check live on all candidates so the viewers know who brings facts to the discussion.

  3. Their fact check was inaccurate, and they tried their best to cut him off so he couldn’t clarify.

    It was hilarious watching the mod flounder while he was correcting her, they eventually had to cut his mic so he couldn’t finish.

  4. Imagine saying this, knowing you’re on a live mic. It’s all very well whining about it after the event but “hey, you promised you weren’t going to stop me lying” isn’t the soundbite he wanted to come out of it.

  5. It’s kind of funny to see Trump yelling on TS like wrestling fan while his more capable and eloquent running mate lies his way through the debate.

    I think if this debate accomplishes anything, it will remind people that Vance is more than just a runner of couches.

  6. “*You weren’t supposed to fact check me! You were supposed to let me spew lies without interruption!*”

  7. Since when is not being called out for lying during a debate OK? I will not accept that there are two sets of facts. That’s not how facts work and it’s the problem with this world. Trump has his own. Putin has his own. It’s the reason the first thing dictators do is control or shut down newspapers and TV stations and contain the internet to their country. They’re full of shit and have to control the narrative to survive.

  8. Vance is the kind of guy if he brought you a drink at a party you would only pretend to drink it.

  9. And here I am, making all kinds of shit up because you SAID you wouldn’t fact check me. It’s a big gotcha by the press!

  10. I wish the host would have said to him.

    We did not have to check the facts for this. I was just clarifying what we already know. Haitian are here legally. I am just calling you a liar.

  11. Aromatic-Deer3886 on

    And yet republicans will fail to see how that is a very problematic statement to come from a vice presidential candidate

  12. Definitely better than ABC, but still biased.. They asked Walz to respond to the claim that he would allow abortion during the 9th month… He never answered and they never asked him again.. meanwhile they repeatedly re-asked questions back to Vance.

  13. It’s an important note that his calling this out means he also knew he was lying, and didn’t realize he was admitting to it.

  14. futanari_kaisa on

    It’s kind of disgusting that mainstream media has been capitulating towards politicians and allowing them to just spread lies because they’re more worried about viewership and advertisements than they are about reporting facts. I understand there’s stuff that the general public can’t know, but if you’re running for public office you shouldn’t be able to just make stuff up to smear your opponent and/or make you look better; and media shouldn’t let you get away with it if you do do that.

  15. Im_TroyMcClure on

    B b but we agreed no fact checking 😢

    I legitimately don’t give a fuck if that’s what was agreed to. I don’t know how anyone can be like, “Yeah he blatantly lied but only because he assumed he could get away with it.”

  16. WorstHumanWhoExisted on

    I liked that Tim was able to quote the Gospel: Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.

    It’s refreshing to see especially the fruits of the spirit that are produced by him that has a history of proof.

    In context to below to what he was quoting:

    Matthew 25:40-45
    New International Version
    40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

    41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’

    44 “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’

    45 “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’

  17. SCLSU-Mud-Dogs on

    I think continuing the quote is important in this one. The overall point he was trying to make that people can enter the country illegally and basically shout asylum like Michael Scott declaring bankruptcy and then they technically have legal status. Its a ridiculous loophole.

    LEGITIMATE asylum seekers should be granted asylum, but just filling out an app doesn’t mean it’s legitimate.

  18. alien_from_Europa on

    Anyone whose approval of him went up after watching this debate is a drooling moron in need of having their brains checked for worms.