JD Vance’s debate lines were so polished you could forget they made no sense | Trump’s running mate had the greasy self-assurance of someone used to lying to people he thinks are stupid



  1. >The demagogue is one who preaches doctrines he knows to be untrue to men he knows to be idiots.

    – Henry Louis Mencken

  2. Like blaming experts for offshoring. Corporations did it to increase profit, lower costs, and screw American labor. His answer sounded good but was nothing but doubletalk.

  3. ranchoparksteve on

    JD Vance is basically a used car salesman hyping up a truly awful car you have no use for.

  4. Still having an intermittent chuckle this AM thinking about Vance saying trump saved Obamacare 🤣

  5. He pulled off a used car salesman bit last night. Sold people the most overpriced and worn out car on the lot.

  6. …because most people are stupid. It works. Trump’s political success is the evidence of that

  7. There was an undecided respondent CNN (I think) interviewed after the debate, much like they did after the presidential debate. He said he will be voting for Harris/Walz because he cant vote for someone that doesn’t respect his vote.

  8. Was surprised at how well he convinced himself he had a point.

    The line where he blamed “the experts” saying it is better to produce overseas particularly stood out for me.

    I remember this was a GOP plank in the 80’s and 90’s. Even to the point of pushing subsidies to companies to help them relocate US manufacturing to China.

  9. two-wheeled-dynamo on

    If you go look t the fact checks from last night, half the shit he claimed were utter lies.

  10. So many wasted opportunities, like after the 10th time Vance blamed Kamala for the economy or immigration or inflation, how in the hell did Waltz not say  ‘Vance, you do know that Congress writes the bills,  votes on the bill and President signs that in law, explain to me where a Vice President comes into that? Do you somehow think a vice president supersedes Congress and the white house? Because if so that tells me you shouldn’t be a vice president or even a congressman.

  11. Well he spend his life selling himself to the rich and powerful. He stayed in character as amoral unprincipled social striver

  12. He’s an acolyte of Curtis Yarvin’s corporate fiefdom bullshit philosophy. He’s very skilled at speaking at great length but saying very little.

  13. Vance proved that he is the smoothest pile of shit to ever flatulently grace a microphone. He lied so smoothly and with such confidence you can tell he is well practiced at the art of propaganda.

  14. TheHoneyBadger23 on

    Lets not forget when they were talking about gun violence in schools that JD Sofa Kingdom Vance’s answer was to “get doors that lock better”.

  15. This 100% puts into words what I have been trying to articulate. It’s a shame it wasn’t a fact checked debate. He would have talked much less.

  16. It was actually the first time I saw what the silicon valley conservatives must have seen in him. He actually seemed pretty effective at polishing a turd. He calmly and convincingly lies through his teeth in a way that, if you hadn’t been paying attention, you may be convinced he actually believes what he is saying. Guess he finally got off the couch and showed everyone he’s a master debater. 

  17. With all these headlines I guess I watched the wrong debate. So many headlines pretending Vance wasn’t a rambling liar. I didn’t think I could be more disappointed in people but if that’s smooth and polished to people that’s wild.

  18. I’ve been saying this…but he’s a law school educated VC Ghoul, novelist that sold his IP to Hollywood, military PR guy, and he attracted the attention and funding of a tech billionaire. Of course he’s going to be a good debater. He’s practiced corporate communication his whole adult life. He’s bad at campaigning because that requires being a human being. But anyone who thought it would be a bloodbath was lying to themselves.

  19. MidwestHacker on

    This was my takeaway as well:

    Vance was doing a very good job of lying in a smooth way, and looking comfortable doing it. Polished. Zero policy positions established or explained. He had some really good moments in the first 30 minutes or so. Weirdly keep jamming immigration into every topic, which got even more grating the more he did it. Had terrible moments the last 30 minutes or so on Abortion, Healthcare, and Democracy. The soundbite of this debate is going to be Walz asking Vance: “Did Donald Trump lose the 2020 election?” and Vance just sitting there looking smug trying to deflect about censorship or some other bullshit. Refusing to answer a question about a simple fact was damning.

  20. teddytwelvetoes on

    yeah, that’s that Yale sociopath training lol anybody who has worked with affluent white-collar folks should be very familiar with people like this. they can’t wait to fuck your shit up on purpose for personal gain and they’ll smile in your face about it while telling you that it was totally somebody else’s fault, possibly even your own

  21. He has all the charisma of a used car salesman. Every line is slick and polished, but it’s clear that every bullshit word out of his mouth is designed to get you to lower your guard so he can fleece you for everything he can take.

  22. No-Second5512 on

    The ease at which Vance lied should be more troubling than the lies, themselves. Slippery, comfortable, silver tongued…. sociopaths can be like that.
    While Vance likes to tout his difficult childhood…. addicted mother and raised by a grandmother (haven’t heard anything about father or father figure)… environments like that often produce unstable adults.
    Vance lied like it was just another day in the park.

  23. Vance lied about the Iran nuclear deal. Trumps own administration said it was working but Trump killed the agreement and promised a ‘better more beautiful deal’ that never materialized.

    Vance lied about Trump and the ACA. He desperately tried to kill that, too but McCain saved it with his thumbs up and Trump lost it.

    Vance refused to acknowledge that Trump was the one who called his congressional psychopaths to stop the bipartisan border bill so he can have something to campaign on.

    Vance lied about Trump peacefully transferring the presidency to Biden because instead of welcoming the new president to the White House as is a long standing tradition he threw a tantrum and ran away to FL.

    Vance lied about J6 and blamed the democrats for the insurrection.

    Vance refused to commit to certifying an election even if every governor had done so.

    Vance refused to state that Trump did lose the 2020 election.

    Vance lied about his comments that abortion should be banned nationwide.

    Vance lied about protecting IVF when the current GOP voted against it twice. Oh, and Vance didn’t bother showing up to vote on it.

    Vance says the answer to children being killed in schools is stronger doors.

    Vance is that swarmy salesman that refuses to allow you to read the fine print. Sensible people know to avoid that type of snake oil salesman but unfortunately there are plenty of gullible people out there that fall for it time and again. Which one are you?

  24. “I’m focused on the future… Let’s talk about Kamala’s response to COVID four years ago.”

    Needs polish…

  25. I’ll bet my retirement that he takes beta blockers. That’s how he lies so effortlessly.

  26. notyomamasusername on

    He’s what scares me about MAGA, once Trump is gone they’ll find someone who is smoother and less of an obvious asshole and do what Trump was almost able to do

  27. bullybullybully on

    Yeah, I deal with a lot of slick corporate assholes for a living and that is exactly how he came across. A posture of one who has some greater depth of knowledge while confidently spewing nonsense, and dismissing criticism without addressing it. It works on people who are content with ignorance but not anyone with an ounce of critical thinking.

  28. Even though Walz was more unsteady in his delivery, he appears to have come out ahead in the post debate polling. Probably because Vance comes off as a sociopathic used car salesman. You keep checking for your wallet when he is speaking.

  29. esoteric_enigma on

    The US electorate hasn’t shown itself to be that smart. Exhibit A: President Trump.