Socialist Equality Party (Australia) completes campaign to win 1,500 electoral members


  1. >More than 1,000 new members have joined the SEP’s existing 500 electoral members, based on its socialist, internationalist, and anti-war program. Many of these members have confirmed their support multiple times.

    >Nonetheless, the AEC will now engage in a four-month assessment process, which includes calling and emailing members to scrutinise their membership. If the SEP is successful in this process, it will once again be able to appear on the ballot paper under its own name at the next federal election.

    >The campaign to treble the SEP’s electoral membership was necessitated by anti-democratic legislation rushed through parliament in 2021 by the then Liberal-National government with the wholehearted support of Labor. Under the laws, political parties were stripped of their registration unless they could demonstrate membership of at least 1,500, up from the previous requirement of 500.

    >Parties with parliamentary representation are exempt from such requirements.

    >The smaller “third party” organisations were given three months to complete this task, during the COVID-19 pandemic, which included lockdowns, making street campaigning irresponsible, reckless and, at times, illegal. This was a transparent attempt by the major establishment parties to prevent any alternative perspective from being presented in federal elections.

    >There was concern in ruling circles that the deep dissatisfaction among broad sections of the population with the bipartisan pro-business offensive, dismantling of COVID safety measures, commitment to US-led wars and cuts to wages and social programs would find conscious electoral expression.

  2. I looked up their web material on a whim and turns out they accuse Ukraine of being imperial puppets of NATO while absolving Russia of any responsibility in the invasion of Ukraine.   

    Another ‘leftist’ organisation co-opted by a right wing ultra-nationalist propaganda machine, why am I not surprised.

    EDIT: Oh boy they also oppose the Australian interventions in East Timor and the Solomon Islands as imperialist, neo-colonial efforts. Maybe talk to a couple Timorese or Pacific Islanders before keeping these talking points, fellas.

  3. KestrelQuillPen on

    Aahh, more tankies. Lovely, that’s just what we flipping needed on the left right now, yet *another* “countries invading and killing people is ok when it’s not the US and friends doing it” faction.

  4. Meanwhile, we redditors didn’t get enough support to establish the Australia Rational Party