President of Croatia Zoran Milanović says he will not allow Croatian soldiers to participate in any NATO activities in Ukraine. His decision can be overturned by a two-thirds majority in parliament.

Posted by D_Randal


  1. Can anybody remind me why is Croatia, Hungary and Slovakia are partbofnthebEU?

    I was convinced they had to adhere to and prove some kind of democratic traits. They don’t.

  2. ComparisonCheap3964 on

    I was shocked when i heard croatia is part of the EU. This clearly isnt the EU spirit

  3. It’s ok Croatia, no one was expecting you to ride in on a white horse and single handedly defeat Russia and save Ukraine

  4. Outside of Croatia, what other countries from NATO are actively participating in activities on the ground in Ukraine? I assume none officially, so how is this any different to the status quo on any nato countries at present?

    If they all hop in with boots on the ground it will be one in all in I believe.

  5. QuevedoDeMalVino on

    There are no soldiers from anywhere else, either, barring individual volunteers. I don’t see how this is any different at this point from any other country.

  6. Nobody is asking you to. Might as well say you won’t allow your army to go to Mars.

  7. Inside_Ad_7162 on

    People don’t really talk much about the history.

    In WW2 they were facists. The Ustaše committed genocide against literally EVERYONE, Serbs, Jews, Muslims, Roma, dissidents…22 concentration camps. They had 2 camps that were just for children. The ONLY collaborating facist regime that operated their own extermination camps.

  8. Fine_Discount1310 on

    Who the fuck asked them to “participate in any activities” in Ukraine anyway?

  9. I think majority in Croatia is for helping Ukraine in any way, shape or form, Milanovic is only president so he doesnt have much authority.

  10. He is only saying this to mess with Plenković, the Prime Minister. Milanović is from SDP (left), and Plenković is from HDZ (right).