JD you’re kidding, right?

Posted by janjinx


  1. TheThoughtmaker on

    Obamacare was doing great until Republicans deleted its provisions to protect small businesses to make it less popular, then accused the Dems of not protecting small businesses.

    There is no ideology, no ethics, no moral compass in the Republican Party. They’re only seeking power for power’s own sake.

  2. Can anyone explain which Trump policies Vance was referring to that “improved” the ACA?

  3. “I have concepts of a plan.”

    Honey, you’ve been talking about replacing it for 9 years.

  4. usernamefromhell on

    Republicans only believe what their politicians say, not what they do. Everything is taken at face value

  5. Another comment I saw on here was like “Obamacare was a disaster until Trump fixed it.” God damn people are delusional.

  6. See_Double_You on

    He didn’t hammer on the individual mandate enough and how republicans sabotaged funding of the program in court and how it represents the bigger pattern of obstructionist republicans hiding behind the term “Do nothing democrats”

  7. I actually screamed at the TV a moment later “We have legal protections for preexisting conditions ***because*** of the ACA!!” Fucking lies all over the board.

  8. I feel bad for Walz, he definitely was given bad advice, he was too restrained, he should’ve been aggressive from the get go, like when he went on TV before becoming VP rightfully calling guys like Vance weirdos and women haters.

  9. Javasndphotoclicks on

    Did people miss the part where he also said that his running mate wanted get rid of it? A very confusing conversation.

  10. Already have people I know posting “Jd wiped Waltz tonight!”

    I’ll have to check the full thing out tomorrow to check what’s happening, but I get the feeling that wasn’t the case.

  11. DerCatzefragger on

    This, followed up 30 seconds later by, “we already have laws that stop insurance companies from dropping your coverage.”

    Yeah, dipshit! We do! And it’s called fucking ***OBAMACARE!!!***

  12. Anything is possible when you fucking lie.

    This guy, this absolute cunt of a person, is literally just standing up there, lying.

    That’s all he’s doing.

    Fucking hell what a slimeball

  13. thetrueChevy1996 on

    Vance lied so much it wasn’t even funny, you would have to be brain dead to buy the bs he’s selling,

  14. This is par for the course.

    Last week on conservative talk radio I heard that America “barely survived FDR” and that we succeeded despite him.