Context: Revolut card that I use to pay monthly at Google and Spotify+paid abroad. This year I traveled and physically used it in the Netherlands and last time on the way to and from Greece (via Serbia and Macedonia) in gas stations. He’s never kissed an ATM.
I come in tonight to check something and see that I have a few transactions from Kazakhstan. Wtf, how much did I drink last night?! All "in person" with GooglePay within a few minutes. About 650 lei, that’s all I had. Revolut was nice (like when it blocked my card instantly when I wanted to buy a ticket to the Van Gogh museum) and didn’t notify me in any way about any of the transactions. No notifications, no suspicious activity. Normally I don’t have much on my card, but I had recently received 400 lei that I had forgotten about.
Support says to apply for a chargeback. I say and done and denied by Revolut customer service immediately "after thoroughly investigating". Then he tells me that he can’t help me with anything. It’s my fault, right? Surely I put the card on some dubious site or someone cloned it for me, right? I just don’t feel like the breach is on my side.
opinions? How did he manage to make me? Is Revolut really that innocent? Is there anything else I can do? 🙁
Posted by whateverjustletme
Condoleanțe 💀
mi-am verificat aplicatia bancara de frica 😅😅😅
Folosiți carduri de unică folosință sau d-alea virtuale in revolut și când vă întoarceți din vacanta stergeti-le. In plus, puteți seta pt cardul fizic și location based security.