Conservatives’ second attempt to topple Liberal government fails


  1. Emmerson_Brando on

    And the point of this was??? Continued dysfunction in parliament?

    If you can’t do something productive, you may as well be performative.

  2. What a fascinating article:
    > The Liberal government has survived its second non-confidence vote in as many weeks in the House of Commons. The NDP and Bloc Quebecois voted against a Conservative motion this afternoon.

    That is all.

  3. DoubleDipper7 on

    It’s just theatrics at this point. PP knows it’s not going to pass, so why keep doing it? Do something productive.

  4. StevenMcStevensen on

    I think the first non-confidence vote made some sense, if only just to demonstrate where every party stood and prove that the NDP’s big talk about no longer supporting the liberals was nothing more than that.

    As a conservative voter, I don’t really get what the point was of doing it again. The outcome was certain, everybody already knew it was futile and it showed nothing.

  5. The NDP is to broke to run another election at the moment jagmeet keeps proving how two faced he really is

  6. Wide-Cheesecake-4852 on

    Is this what our government is going to do from now on? Just constant no-confidence votes instead of making people’s lives better? Pretty sure we have some serious problems in this country that these bullshit motions by Milhouse and his minions do nothing but divide and distract.

  7. HowMyDictates on

    Tantrum after meaningless tantrum from these whiny Cons under the weakest leadership the party has ever seen. Pitiful how shameless they are, refusing to do their jobs and instead resorting to nothing but shit-flinging, pandering, posturing, lying and wasting taxpayer time and money.

    Even more pitiful that we’ll be foolish enough to elect them to run this country next time around.

    Dark days ahead for the Canadian working class.

  8. the_randinator on

    So can we expect a non confidence vote every week from here until Oct 2025?

    Maybe PP and JT should do some good old fashioned bi partisan work for our country.