Liberal MP says he shouldn’t be silenced in the House of Commons for linking Conservatives to Vladimir Putin


  1. Then the CPC shouldn’t be silenced for linking them to China, Iran, and India.

    Your logic, buddy.

  2. Ok-Somewhere9814 on

    Saving time
    >To back up his claim, Baker noted that the Conser­vat­ives voted against a trade agree­ment between Canada and Ukraine — one the Tor­ies said they objec­ted to because it included an endorse­ment of car­bon pri­cing — as well as gov­ern­ment spend­ing that included funds for train­ing Ukrain­ian sol­diers dur­ing last year’s mara­thon vot­ing ses­sion in the House of Com­mons.

    >The Con­ser­vat­ives have expressed sup­port for that train­ing mis­sion, which began when their party was in power.
    Baker also said Poil­ievre has expressed sup­port for back­ing Ukraine but did not say whether he would abide by a 10-year secur­ity deal Ott­awa inked with Kyiv in Feb­ru­ary. An Angus Reid poll from around that time sug­ges­ted Con­ser­vat­ive voters were more likely to think Canada is giv­ing too much to Ukraine, which Baker cited as evid­ence that the party is cater­ing to these feel­ings.

    >For these reas­ons, Baker said he believes it is fair to claim the “Putin wing” has “taken over” the Con­ser­vat­ive party, since he sees its pres­ence as sig­ni­fic­ant. And given that he views the war as essen­tial to Cana­dian national secur­ity, Baker said he is will­ing to stand by his com­ments des­pite the deputy speaker’s rul­ing against him.

  3. One of the last plays always in the Liberal toolbox is to import American politics.

    Abortion, gun control, Russian interference blah blah blah.

    I want to afford groceries. Fuck off.

  4. Release the names from the foreign interference inquiry. Then, we can correctly link the right MPs to the right country.
    Instead of mass generalizations.

  5. They really are grasping at straws and trying to deflect anything about China LITERALLY meddling in our elections… To their benefit!