Ransomware forces hospital to turn away ambulances – Only level-one trauma unit in 400 miles crippled



  1. >The University Medical Center in Lubbock, west Texas, has been forced to severely limit operations following the cyberattack. The non-profit hospital was hit on Friday by ransomware operators. Services are still being disrupted, although most emergency care facilities are operating at present.

    This sounds bad and is a bad look on the part of the hospital administrators.

    People really should take IT-security more seriously in hospitals.

    Also the hackers should be crucified if they deliberately target hospitals.

  2. I would bet it’s those “REvil” Russian cock riders. Or some variation thereof. Putin sanctioned criminals.

    It’s time to start using the CIA to kill these fucking hackers off.. just go shoot them. Dead serious man.

    Nobody is going to stop them in Russia and the other various shit holes they bubble up from.
    Send in the goons and double tap a few of them.
    Perhaps a brand new hypersonic stealth ginsu hellfire through the chest…. Let the rest of these nerds know that this is going to stop. They need to feel physical fear and physical pain. The laws aren’t working. Fuck Putin and fuck Russia. 99.9% of the problem right there.
    And just so everyone knows the reason Putin will not use a nuclear weapon is because the United States has told him that if he does our immediate response will be to target him personally. Which means he dies about 2 hours after he launches even a tactical nuke on the battlefield. This is a known thing. Hence the continuously crossed red lines. It’s all games. Putin enjoys his life and wants to keep it. He pushes that button he dies immediately.
    We should start treating these hackers exactly the same. Eliminate them. They’re extremely damaging to society and humanity. Americans literally die because of these people.
    But yeah go vote for fucking Trump… That’ll make it all better. Herp fucking derp.