Why is Canada’s economy falling behind America’s? The country was slightly richer than Montana in 2019. Now it is just poorer than Alabama.



  1. sketchyjalapeno on

    Canada could be a lot more prosperous country then we are right now. we are mismanaged and run by too many people who don’t want us to succeed or prosper. In fact there seems to be a mentality of western nations driving themselves into the ground. we are in debt to foreign creditors and powers and they are bleeding us dry.

  2. Difficult-Yam-1347 on

    “The imf forecasts that Canada’s national income per head, equivalent to around 80% of America’s in the decade before the pandemic, will be just 70% of its neighbour’s in 2025, the lowest for decades. Were Canada’s ten provinces and three territories an American state, they would have gone from being slightly richer than Montana, America’s ninth-poorest state, to being a bit worse off than Alabama, the fourth-poorest.”

    “What Canada lacked in productivity it could long make up by having more workers, thanks to higher rates of immigration. Between 2014 and 2019 its population grew twice as fast as America’s. Canada has historically been good at integrating migrants into its economy, lifting its gdp and tax take. But integration takes time, especially when migrants come in record numbers. Recently immigration has sped up, and the newcomers seem to be less skilled than immigrants who came before. In 2024 Canada saw the strongest population growth since 1957”


  3. The economy is doing great , you think it means people are doing great but it actually means the gov is taxing the living f out of everyone, you know an increase in taxes shows as the economy is booming right?

  4. The tech sector is dead here. Canadian born people have been left behind by its government. How can someone who is a refugee doing better than Canadian born people is sickening to see

  5. I_poop_rootbeer on

    Having an economy built around cheap labor from overseas and horrifically overpriced real estate is not sustainable. We are producing **nothing**. We are, however, lining the pockets of the people that Trudeau serves 

  6. AsleepExplanation160 on

    America had a strong covid recovery, we didn’t. COVID exposed a variety of issues of by putting financial pressure on most people.

    It can more or less be described as the factors that lead to the CoL crisis are more present in Canada than the US.

    Combine that with the US experiencing a post recession economic boom and you have many skilled workers jumping ship to make significantly more before taxes, or even exchange rates.

    And to tie it all together we have a goverment that takes too long todo anything (if at all) and an opposition that convinced people faux-austerity policy will kickstart a struggling economy.

  7. Prestigious_Ad_3108 on

    “…..slightly richer than Montana in 2019”

    Holy s**t. Is that supposed to be some sort of achievement? The bar is unbelievably low. The bar is hell

  8. Too busy buying from other countrts ex. Oil ??????
    Ridiculous that’s why world laughs at us thank Trudeau
    Fact check; Canada 3rd largest producer of Natural Gas and oil ..money should be pouring out of our ears no no no Trudeau buys oil from Venezuela!!!!!!!!!!

  9. 😆 trash article, I’ll bet 100% of the commenters here can’t even access the full article.

  10. No_Profession_6178 on

    Whoever has been the leader of Canada and has been in control of economic policies is to blame… not to name any names, however…

  11. Jimbo_The_Prince on

    Real, simple answer? The money/value is being siphoned off to other countries at a vastly higher rate since then.

  12. SeedlessPomegranate on

    The US is fuelling growth partly by loading up on unprecedented amounts of debt. Trillions of dollars a year.

    If Canada was doing the same we would be a different spot too.

    But no one wants to talk about that, because Trudeau bad I get it

  13. Captain_Evil_Stomper on

    Our leadership insists on trimming the flowers and watering/importing the weeds.

  14. Character_Comb_3439 on

    Oil; advanced economies are opting for solar, wind and other renewables.
    Lumber; advanced economies are recycling materials, using materials more appropriate to a changing climate and we are increasingly “paper less”
    Potash; increasingly important.
    Gold; important but…I can see demand for jewelry decrease (gold circuitry maybe more important).
    Water; that’s tricky (we will probably be giving it to the US for protection).

    Canada is a resource economy and the major resources we have are increasingly going to be less sough after. Tech will only explode in Canada if WA and CA become destabilized.

    Our future is vassal state.

  15. Metalsheepapocalypse on

    Quebec would rather take handouts from the profits of Albertas resources than begin collecting their own and benefiting from them.

  16. We’re suffering from a type of dutch disease where real estate eats up all the profits on top of that our labour costs are super high for most industries. This makes doing any kind of business to be very difficult.

  17. prolongedsunlight on

    It is not just Canada; the US economy is growing faster than other Western nations. However, people in the US are not the happiest or longest-living.

  18. Salty_Host_6431 on

    I’d be interested to see if anyone has done an econometric study to see if there is a correlation between the carbon tax and productivity.

  19. The only good thing about this article is were so way way down at the bottom. There’s literally nowhere to move, but UP!

    What happened to Canada…..