Reddit policy changes make sitewide protests nearly impossible


  1. my1clevernickname on

    What have Reddit protests ever accomplished? The best way to protest through Reddit, is by not using Reddit.

  2. Well they’ve been radio silent on the official Reddit sub for a few months now which usually means they’re cooking up something extra shitty that they know the userbase will hate

  3. Wouldn’t we then just change to protesting by continuing to use Reddit but posting random word salad to poison their AI training? That way we’re using up their resources AND doing some damage.

  4. theColeHardTruth on

    Too bad these protests never have any teeth anyway because all of us are spineless pansies. If we truly cared we’d fuck off and start or support an alternative. The protests always have an end date, Reddit can always wait it out.

  5. Elegant_Studio4374 on

    I remember when free speech existed on this website too.. no wonder everyone is migrating to X.. fuck Reddit.

  6. It’s no coincidence it comes after mods have been discussing a blackout if Trump wins the election. Tech companies are afraid a Trump presidency will result in lawsuits. He mentioned just this week that he plans to use the justice department to breakup Google since they are placing Harris links higher than Trump links in results.

  7. anotherpredditor on

    Its real simple. Dont like the owners or their policies dont use the site. Protests are pointless and childish.