1. I know a few people who actually moved from BC to Calgary. One of them even relocated to fort Mac or whatever he calls it. It’s in bumfuck nowhere but he shares great aurora pics in our team slack

  2. New-Midnight-7767 on

    Why do these articles keep equating calling for reduced immigration when we don’t have enough housing, healthcare, and jobs with “scapegoating immigrants.”

    It’s not about blaming immigrants themselves but about immigration rates set by the government, it’s a supply and demand issue.

  3. Going back to my wife’s home country where you can find 10,000$ houses… Of course you need to renovate, but another 10-15k and that can be it

  4. And yet the province celebrates how many people are coming from Ontario because that’s totally not gonna make things worse.

  5. ‘Scapegoating’ – is as old as the hills. Ellis Island used to demand you list your race; Black,Oriental, White, or Irish

  6. I lived in Alberta 20 or so years ago I can tell you 70% of people don’t want any non white people there. It didn’t matter where they were born. They hate indigenous peoples, they didn’t want Japanese cars and they don’t like Quebec.