Swedish government considers national ban on begging


Posted by Apprehensive_Sleep_4


  1. A good start would be to ban foreign nationals from begging.

    People travel across Europe to Sweden and Norway to go begging, this organised and big business. This also brings other problems like drugs, human trafficking and theft.

  2. If it weren’t for my experiences on organized begging at large city main stations I would probably find this bad.

    But having that experience makes me understand that law well.

  3. We absolutely should fund social services.

    Personally against giving to beggars because most times if I offer food to “hungry” people they reject it and want cash instead.

  4. With a solid enough welfare system this is completely ok. In Norway the beggars who are here legally get a home and food from tax-funded welfare, they don’t have to beg. The beggars who are here illegally should apply to become legal, and will be accepted if they have good reasons, but the ones who currently are begging are “employed” by organized crime from abroad and will naturally not do that. Such organized crime should not be as tolerated by authorities as it has been so far. However, it would probably be better to go after the middle men imo.

  5. Good. Next step would be making sleeping on the streets or public property illegal, or actually start enforcing the rules which are probably already on the books.

  6. A vast majority of beggars are part of criminal gangs.

    This law is very welcome. There are beggars outside literally every supermarket here in Sweden, even in small towns.

  7. Aranthos-Faroth on

    This is good, it will stop the horrible organised begging syndicates from Romania.

    At the start of summer, almost like clockwork, suddenly there are elderly Roma sitting outside every ICA, Coop and train station looking rightfully miserable.

    And a filthy looking man watching not too far away.

  8. humanbananareferee on

    It is also banned in Turkey, but the only sanction is a small fine. That’s why it is still widespread.

  9. AsshollishAsshole on

    So once I click on “no” on some ad for premium service it will be illegal to show it again?

  10. Environmental-Owl-12 on

    I find it’s much easier to just give the beggers counterfeit money. Costs me a lot less than normal and if the beggers gets lucky they’ll get an all expense trip to jail 🙂

  11. therebirthofmichael on

    It’s illegal in Greece as well. Begging nowadays is organised and unfortunately many children are exploited this way

  12. I live in Lisbon, Portugal and use public transportation several times a day . Everyday someone approaches me asking for money. I feel that I can’t be in peace !

  13. Combine this with a social system in which people can easily acquire food, a bed, and other necessities, plus support for finding a job, and I’m all in for it.

  14. Darkside_of_the_Poon on

    I misread that as “Pegging” at first. I was thinking wow! How much pegging are the Swedes doing right now?

  15. General-Customer-550 on

    If you are relatively healthy, you can work, begging is a lame ass excuse to be lazy…