This is the speed of the free WiFi in the hotel I'm staying in. I'm lucky to get 50Mbps at times at home in regional NSW and it just keeps getting worse.


  1. nemoj_da_me_peglas on

    I was in Japan for work around 15 years ago, maybe a little bit more than that. At my hotel (which was nothing special) I was getting around 100mbits at times, with an average in the mid 80s. Meanwhile back in Australia I had adsl2 with about a 10mbit connection and that was faster than a lot of people we knew in our area. The fastest one would likely be able to get would be I guess 24mbits? I’ve only recently got a FTTP connection and my family thinks it’s wild that a developed nation has slower internet than them and I agree lol.

  2. You won’t get a reliable speed test on public wifi, especially if you don’t know who else is connected to the AP hogging the bandwidth.

  3. Moaning-Squirtle on

    It’s not a great comparison to compare hotel that’s probably in a major city to a regional connection – it will depend on what internet they choose to have, your device etc. I’m staying at an Airbnb with Rakuten pocket Wifi which struggles to get above 20/7, which is way below mobile standards in Australia.

    According to, mobile internet in Australia is actually pretty good (top 20), but our fixed line is lacking (76th).

    I’d imagine a big part of it is the high cost of anything >100 Mbps. Most households *can* get those speeds that are among the best in the world, but it’s not really worth paying $50+ extra per month for it.

  4. I’m on an Nbn plan for 15mbps.. Multiple ISP have said there’s no other options available. Go me!

  5. Im in regional NSW and im getting gigabit. Its not a fair comparison though as all new housing estates have to have fibre to the prem.

    You can try Starlink. Its a bit expensive but you should get around 300 down.

  6. I’m on residential FTTP in Perth suburbs, just did a speed test for 929.56 mbps down, 47.60 up.

    If your area is part of the NBN rollout, FTTP will probably eventually become available, especially if FTTN is already available.

    If you aren’t in an area that is covered by that type of rollout by NBN or another private fiber operator, you might not be so lucky.

  7. AReallyGoodName on

    50mbps is decent for residential use though. Seriously. Of course a hotel has more bandwidth. What the hell is this post and why are people not calling it out.