Remains of russian assault groups in Vovchansk 30 Sept

Posted by Creepy_Jeweler_1351


  1. Creepy_Jeweler_1351 on

    that was an assault of 17 MT-LBs 3 tanks and over 100 of infantry. 16 MT-LBs destroyed, 1 tank damaged. infantry is fine i guess XD

  2. Russia claims they have success in Vovchansk. I think they have a different definition of success.

  3. They found out that it wasn’t safe to ride inside an APC. Maybe they now will realise that riding on top under a cope cage isn’t really safe either.

  4. Dangerous-Abroad-434 on

    Last week i discussed with someone that i saw probably 10000 people die on camera in this 3 year long conflict. He was sure that seeing 10 dead people per day would be very high on average.


  5. ripamon and the rest of the Kremlin cope crew on ukrainerussiareport see this and be like “worth it”

  6. melonheadorion1 on

    eventually, they will learn that their old doctrine of riding on vehicles, is not a good tactic. until then, dont interrupt the enemy while they are making a mistake

  7. FluidPraline4968 on

    Is this the same vehicle. looks like the camo net/log has been moved..? either way .. thumbs up!

  8. It looks horrible but we must not forget, these men were invading a friendly country with the intention to murder its inhabitants and steal their land.

  9. Wonder if the pro rus rats at their subs will joke about this as they joke about Ukrainian losses. They always turn a blind eye to the ruskie meat grinder and still somehow claim that the ruskie army is an effective fighting force… only cause they have the worlds most docile population.