Found a bunch of expired drinks at Woolies, there were some that expired 3 years ago at the front of the shelf…


  1. Since they’re that out of date the only thing I can think of is that was stock they recently got in so they wouldn’t think to even check the dates or the wrong dates were stamped at the factory

  2. DeeDee_GigaDooDoo on

    Makes you wonder why it’s still on the shelves when turnover is that low. Like had no one monitoring sales noticed that they have stock of an item that must be selling a single unit a year? No other companies were outbidding for that shelf space? 

    You’d think even if they hadn’t been checking dates that the extremely low turnover would have flagged it to be replaced with another item and it would have been pulled from shelves.

  3. Not to be “that” person but those are “best before” dates, NOT expiration or “Use By” dates. []( says: “Most foods have a best-before date. You can still eat foods for a while after the best-before date as they should be safe but they may have lost some quality. Foods that have a best-before date can legally be sold after that date provided the food is fit for human consumption.”


  4. Maybe we should rename this sub. It’s constant complaining about Coles worth…which is fine in and of itself. But some variety would be nice.

  5. This is my favourite brand of flavoured mineral water and I bought some today, I’ll have to check the dates!

  6. A few weeks ago at Coles I noticed that the box of chestnuts on display was set to expire that day. I mentioned it to the manager and got the whole box at a discount.

    Next time I come in, the stickers on the chestnut boxes that display their expiry date have all been peeled off.

  7. Look that kind of expiration date is only good for onion salt.
    (seriously I don’t blame the shelf stackers though unless/until more staff are employed to QC this kind of stuff … the staff are not paid enough and have wicked quotas to complete)

  8. I see some from 2023 which, I guess, is a little old. The one that you’re saying is from 2021 (three years ago) looks to be just one from 2024 but the 4 is smudged. I don’t see anything worth complaining about