Europe’s banks launch Wero payments to dislodge Visa and Mastercard

Posted by RevolutionBusiness27


  1. A fragmented European banking system has no credibility in setting up a continental payment system. EPI, the consortium behind Wero, was set up more than 15 years ago and accomplished nothing so far.

    In addition consider that Wero is backed mostly by German banks, notoriously inept at promoting digital payments in their own country.

  2. Appropriate-Lion-455 on

    I love how Germany and German banks are promoting an alternative global payments system, when they are still unable to switch from cash to digital in their own country

  3. Spikeymikey5050 on

    How long until the EU start badgering Visa and MC to favour their own platform like the way they are badgering Apple at the moment

  4. MagicRabbitByte on

    In Denmark we have the Dankort – worked very well for many years, until the banks sold it. Now they hate it and would love to see if replaced by Visa and Mastercard (hint: they earn more on those services)..

    Visa and Mastercard have done some heavy lobbying is making rules that the end customer can’t be charged the price for the payment service. Meaning customers have no incentive to use much cheaper (national) payment services. That combined with the banks actively working against any national cards, means it’s bound to fail unless the politicians get their act together. Right now, the politicians are 100% seeing the payment service industry the same way the banks are seeing it and have at every options hampered the cheap options to give Visa and Mastercard an edge..

    Wero is nothing but vaporware. Just a way for some people to get a steady pay-check without anyone asking too many questions..

  5. This is based on the Dutch system and it’s really good.
    We also all do payment requests with help of the system.
    If it works like in the Netherlands but Europe-wide, I’m sure you’ll love it!

  6. Adventurous_Bus_437 on

    Remind me when this fails again. I’d love to see a European champion in the global market, but most of them are just sad attempts.