Meat Pie Inflation


  1. TheCriticalMember on

    Dang. I lived OS from 05 to 15 and when I moved back the idea of paying more than $5 for a pie gave me chest pains!

  2. Yeah, fuck that. But you have inspired me and I’m heading down to my local to pick up an $8 pie that’s way bigger than that.

  3. Baker here:

    Unfortunately ingredient prices are rising just as quick as petrol/groceries. Gone to place my orders for the week and things like butter, yeast, flour, cheese and especially meat just seem to be creeping up every single week if you change too many ingredients to cheaper alternatives people start complaining. If you don’t they complain it’s too expensive. Only so much you can do. Luckily my bakery is turning over enough we’re still sitting at around $6 a pie but I definitely don’t hold it against other bakeries for charging this much. It’s an expensive business to run already and unfortunately we need to keep the lights on somehow. Frozen servo pies for you from now on if you don’t want to pay this much unfortunately 🤷‍♀️

  4. HalfManHalfCyborg on

    Not sure about making pies at home, but sausage rolls are cheap, tasty and so easy to make. 9 is about the cost for me to make my delicious pork, apple and fennel-seed sausage rolls, and the recipe yields 8 full-size rolls, or 24 “party sized” ones. $5 for the minced pork, and the other $4 for apple, onion, breadcrumbs and 2 of the 6 sheets of frozen pastry in a pack.

  5. I mean servo pies at like 5-6 bucks now so 10 for a proper artisan pie makes total sense to me. That doesn’t mean I like it, but I understand it.

  6. No thanks, I’ll stick with the good ol’ Vilis Pie, either a Mexican, Cheese & Bacon or a plain Vilis Pie, covered in tomato sauce!

  7. I’ll pay that much for a pie, but if it’s not a solid 9/10 at least then I won’t be back.

    *Good* pies have gotten expensive.

  8. I still can’t believe the Costco canteen pies are $7.99 and they literally taste like supermarket pies.

  9. $6 at my two local bakeries.

    not many are gonna be forking out $11 for a bloody pie.

    but thats a good example of inflation at work for all those sooking about why interest rates have been increased and dont look like going down anytime soon.

  10. So to eat two pies & a sausage roll (with sauce) for lunch – I need to work HOW MANY HOURS!?

    Edit: Minimum wage is $24.10 per hour.

  11. I mean, everything’s expensive these days. Bakeries are trying to keep costs down, but overheads are ridiculous rn. Cafes, however, I find are the ones gouging sometimes. Like x2 Rubens and a couple coffees (in small cups/called larges) cost me $43AUD. The coffee probably were $7eac, meaning the Rubens cost me $15 for a single toastie. Luke damn, I’ll just make them at home next time for a third of the cost.

  12. Believe it or not this is a ripple effect to the whole colesworth price hiking drama. Don’t blame the baker hate the billionaires who hurt his bottom line.

  13. I just got one of the better pies I have eaten and a medium flat white for 10.50.

    Zero chance I would pay over 10 for just a pie.

  14. GloomyFondant526 on

    I don’t doubt that pies are more expensive for good reason. But I’m not paying 10 dollars for one.

  15. crumbmodifiedbinder on

    Still happy I found a $5.50 steak and mushroom pie at a bakery on the way to Blue Mountains recently. It was good as well.