US Defense Department: China gave advance notice of ICBM test The US Defense Department says China notified the United States before it conducted an intercontinental ballistic missile test on Wednesday, calling it a move in the right direction.

At a Wednesday press conference, US Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh also stressed the need to strengthen communication between the two nations’ militaries.

Her remarks followed the Chinese defense ministry’s announcement that it had launched an ICBM carrying a dummy warhead which landed in the Pacific high seas.

Singh said the US welcomed China’s advanced notification as it reduced the risks of misperception and miscalculation.

Singh also said the Defense Department will continue to press for a regularized bilateral notification arrangement for ballistic missile and space launches.

The US military is wary of China seeking to improve its attack capabilities targeting US territory and aircraft carriers.

Meanwhile, the US and China have resumed military-to-military communication based on agreements reached at a bilateral summit held near San Francisco last November.

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