A Blind Eye?: Albanian Leader Rama a Darling of Europe Despite Corruption Back Home


Posted by Arstel


  1. Pjese e artikullit:

    > “When confronted by DER SPIEGEL with such accusations, the prime minister called late one night and tried to influence our report: He said he finds the accusations to be without substance, insulting and undeservedly harmful to his country’s reputation.

    >In June, Rama was asked by an Italian journalist how it was possible that one member of his closest circle after the other, including various ministers, have been arrested for corruption, but that he is still in office? The cool response from the Albanian prime minister: “There are pigs in every forest.”

  2. >Whether Rama is enriching himself to the detriment of others? “From the perspective of Brussels, it’s not all that important,” says Seebass. “Albania’s EU accession isn’t on the agenda anyway for the foreseeable future.”

    Kjo eshte per te gjithe ata qe shpresojne se do hyjme ne EU ne 2030 🤣

  3. Se kuptoj pse dhe këta dhe italianët shkojmë e marrin në intervistë Ahmetaj. Një njeri që na ka vjedh sa ti doj trapi dhe tani i shijon në zvicër. Si mund të pyesësh atë lloj njeriu, cfarë pret që ai të thotë?

  4. Sufficient-Choice972 on

    Po keta shenjtoret e Europea dhe te Usa-s nuk i heton Spiegeli?
    Pse mendon Spiegel se i mbajen ison Rames?
    Natyrisht sepse jane korruptuar

  5. Kur sna hapin negociatet per BE thuni per shkak te korrupsionit, kur na hapin negociatat thuni po se meritojme se kemi korrupsion. Varikarsa jeni pz

  6. Albania is low population (declining), poor, and poses no industries.. why would they be genuinely interested in Albania. They only kept the EU bid dangling to keep us from falling into influence of Russia and China. This has unfortunately excused politician from properly running the country because they believed we’d be in EU by now absolving albanian politicians of that duty(hasn’t stopped them from egregious corruption tho at expense of the populace). They also miscalculated the return of diaspora, it’s not happening and they will not be of assistance to the nation as they are assimilated or lack useful technical assets to kick off serious companies like pharma, tech, medical, military, engineering etc. Albanian government realized this and are now on full propaganda and gaslighting mode

  7. They are onto him, he’s on limited time just like Diddy LOL. The big useless oaf.

    Watch him try and pull the nationalism ”the west is attacking us” card again.

    Nah homie, they attacking YOU.