1. >Republican Elon Musk Now Claims That If The Man Complicit in the Biggest Attack on US Democracy is Not Elected, “This Will Be the Last Election [that Republicans can easily win without having any polices]”

    Fixed that for Elon.

  2. Every accusation is a confession. We know you’re trying to take us to a white Christian Nationalist autocracy Leon or should i say Oleongarch

  3. Troll_in_the_Knoll on

    Haven’t we already heard this somewhere before?  Or, as Sam Elliot put it:  “Are we really going back down that *same fucking* broken *road*?

    DJT in 2016: *- “I think this will be the last election that the Republicans have a chance of winning because you’re going to have people flowing across the border, you’re going to have illegal immigrants coming in… and they’re going to be able to vote and once that all happens you can forget it. You’re not going to have one Republican vote.”*

  4. Aladdinsanestill61 on

    Great the Afrikaan immigrant that has 12 kids with three women supporting the Neo Fascist with with three wives and five kids telling us about family values. Just a lot of hypocrisy oozing every time they share a warped thought.

    Absolute power corrupts and these evil twats are thoroughly corrupt! Diva DonOld is running to stay out of jail and Elmo is still very bitter one of his children is trans. Two very bitter, thin skinned, vindictive, cruel and petty man child’s trying to position themselves for a scorched earth retribution against anyone they feel remotely slighted by.

    Elmo is not wrong though, if Diva Don gets elected, it will be the last time democracy had a fighting chance in the USA.

  5. ShoppingDismal3864 on

    This guy needs to leverage us power to keep his financials alive… he owes a lot of people some cash.

  6. Yup. I remember when donold claimed the stock market will crash ‘like you’ve never seen before’ in 2019. Then, sadly the stock market doubled in value by 2024.

  7. Economy-Engineering on

    “You won’t have to vote anymore, it’ll be fixed.” – Kamala Harris

    Oh, no wait, that was Trump. Whoopsies. 

  8. Why would anyone give a flying fuck about anything Musk says? As the second biggest POS, right behind his buddy Donny, this guy has about as much clout as the once extremely popular social media platform that he has since driven into oblivion.

  9. Electronic-Room-4242 on

    #Elon… Elon… Elon…
    #Fat, Arrogant and Narcissistic is no way to go through life son.

  10. blue_lagoon_987 on

    2 things I want to see happen in the shortcoming

    – Trump in prison
    – Elon as his cellmate

  11. Funny that Elon said this when Trump has said that if the Christian voters vote for him that it would be the last election they’d have to vote in

  12. So he’s saying the country will become a one party state if too many immigrants are let in since they’ll vote democrat….

    If this were to actually happen, guess that means MAGA might have to modify their policies to appeal to immigrants, instead of relying on hate for them, if they want to win some elections.

    Last time I checked, political parties are supposed to represent their constituents, not be some dictatorial power that tells (brainwashes) people how to be a good party member.

  13. Fear mongering much. lol. We don’t care about any of the noise and we’re all voting blue because everyone is tired of their crap. I’m sick of the hate and division. I’m sick of idiot Trump spewing lies over and over again. I’m sick of them trying to take away our freedoms. Trump had a chance to make a difference and he opted to help the wealthy at the rest of our expense. He’s not and never will be a president for all Americans. He will always be a flawed man that will sell us out to the highest bidder.

  14. His desperation is really simple. If Trump wins, all restrictions and oversights affecting Musk are gone. He can loot and pillage at his will. Similar to how Trump operated during his term.