Bulgaria and Romania pay a hefty price for their non-Schengen status


Posted by Gamebyter


  1. Fun fact is that we made most progress in 2011(commission, parliament and ministry vote) during Hungarian presidency under Orban. Now again Hungary is putting on the agenda and working on getting us in. If we don’t pass now the next friendly country taking the presidency would be Greece in 2027.

  2. With the election results in Austria today and the ongoing trend to reintroduce border checks between Schengen countries I don’t see them joining Schengen anytime soon.

  3. Sonnenschein69420 on

    Second class EU citizens. Schillers „Everyone will become brothers.“ and „Who managed to be a friends friend.“ from Beethovens europa hymn don‘t mean anything now. We defend our EU values against Russia to prove them. But the biggest critique to us as EU does not come from the outside but from inside the Union. This is the biggest disgrace to exist that there are second class EU countries. This is not equal, not democratic and not for a common goal.

  4. You guys think you are so corrupt, but you can’t even bribe your self’s into Schengen. Look at us, we bought 12 Rafale jets and magically we are in.

  5. Separate but equal. Treating people as second class citizens will only make them resent the EU and fuel anti-EU sentiments.

  6. readilyunavailable on

    I swear motherfuckers like Rutte think allowing us in schengen will usher forth the end times.

  7. As a Pole I must say I thought that was long sorted. Europe has other problems and we should open borders asap.

  8. grand_historian on

    This is not a popular opinion, but I don’t think its a good idea to let these countries in for the foreseeable future. They have a lot of work to be done in terms of handling corruption and the like.