Labrador residents say ‘inhumane’ food prices force families to go hungry


  1. Lost-Mongoose-8962 on

    From the article its a fly-in community, very remote. So shipping costs for food would be astronomical. Blaming the grocer when theres more factors at play is disingenuos.

  2. Itchy_Training_88 on

    We have a sugar tax in newfoundland. That money should be put directly to food subsidies for healthy food.

  3. The challenge is that Newfoundland and Labrador has extremely spread out communities across a massive range of land. There has been a long history of resettlement where government has enticed residents of smaller communities with poor service availability to move to a larger centre where services are easier to provide. This community of Nain is 250 miles from the city(town) of Goose Bay, where many services are better provided. The residents of Nain are truly selfish in the sense that they want their cake and eat it too, they live in a super remote area, accessible by boat or plane, and want the government to provide food, health care, dental, etc at the expense of other tax payers. There is no industry in Nain other than hunting, fishing and trapping (mining is an industry growing) but to claim they want to retain traditional livelihoods but complain about not have the services of larger communities is selfish.

    They should resettle to Goose Bay if they want the benefit of cheaper fresh foods