Couple left with life-changing crash injuries can’t sue Uber after agreeing to terms while ordering pizza


  1. Safeway instituted this sort of policy but, the thing is, you don’t have to agree to keep using the website. They’d updated their Terms & Conditions but you could opt out of it, so i did.

  2. cindy_cherryberry on

    *Really* feels like Uber and Uber Eats should have separate Terms & Conditions…feels like Disney+ all over again.

  3. cindy_cherryberry on

    Forced arbitration has become almost an industry standard for big companies to avoid the publicity of a trial over sensitive issues. The best thing the people can do is bring these cases to the medias attention. Forces arbitration is very common in employment contracts as well, stating that if there is any legal dispute, it goes to arbitration not trial, including things that violate constitutional rights. It started as a way to save businesses and people money by not requiring them to get full lawyers and all that, but businesses realized the power and that the precedent keeps being upheld and have really tried taking it so far.

    Fun fact Judge Judy is an arbitrator, not a judge

  4. Forced arbitration needs to be illegal. Additionally, there should be no way that it is legally possible to waive your rights with the click of a button.

  5. If nothing else, these ridiculous arguments are a perfect example for the FTC to break these companies up. It’s such an easy thing to explain to people too – hence Disney.

  6. The article says they were in an uber. Which means they already agreed to the TOS to use their service. It is not like they got hit by an uber they were not using and now cannot file suit because they had ordered pizza. This article is some real BS.

  7. I understand that they have life-changing crash injuries, but why the outrage over not being able to sue Uber.

    So, are you outraged that there’s nobody with deep pockets stepping up to help this family through out thier future, dealing with these injuries?

    Personally, I’m kind of outraged that they’d feel compelled to sue in the first place. I’m outraged at all the Americans who want to say, “Not my problem” and aren’t willing to pay taxes that would help this family going forward (especially the 1% richest). I’m outraged at religions that make massive amounts of money, paying no taxes, but don’t step up and help people like this.

    Nope, suing companies in court is the only way to get society to help you out after a tragic accident. So, sure, let’s get outraged that the lawsuit didn’t do anything.

  8. Binding arbitration is a cancer. It’s a bullshit system which allows people to sign away their rights so that a company can always have the upper hand.

  9. Express-World-8473 on

    I don’t know if they can even sue Uber in this case as their driver caused the accident but I don’t agree with these BS terms that give full immunity against companies against any lawsuits by agreeing to simple terms and conditions.

  10. ArnoldTheSchwartz on

    This is because corporations are the real people in America. The government is designed to protect its people. 1% versus 99% and of course they win. They have us outnumbered. The ants pick the food…

  11. >“How would I ever remotely think that my ability to protect my constitutional rights to a trial would be waived by me ordering food?” said Mrs McGinty.

    It’s absolutely absurd to think the vast majority of app users are able to understand the terms they agree to in these apps. The length of the agreements deters the user from even *trying* to understand them.

  12. Ugh….I had to look to see if this was a headline from The Onion. Damn our system is completely banjaxed. :/

  13. Uber is competitors need to use the actual people involved in this crash in an advertisement. Make it the kind of insane, shocking ones that are used in Europe to catch attention. It would be wildly successful.

    Show the couple going to order a pizza and then ending up in a hospital and a time lapse of them trying to put their life together and then finally being told at the end they cannot sue. Then say “_______ doesn’t do that. Order from ______ today.”

  14. I just went to cancel my UberEats One subscription after reading this but on the final page they offered me 90% off for 3 months. I guess I’m with them for another 3 months.

  15. The court rulings allowing and backing up bogus clickwrap T&Cs with one sided predatory terms and the arbitration acts propping it all up are a cancer upon society.