‘I am a Quebecer’: Governor General hits back at criticism of her French language skills



  1. >“So, yeah, it can be hurtful,” she added. “It’s not going to stop me from doing my job, though.”

    It did stop her from doing her job though. Her job is symbolic, and the Canadian taxpayer has injected hundreds of thousands of dollars into language lessons for her that she shunned. She spoke, at best, four to five words of French on her tour after three years of supposedly trying to learn it.

    It’s a massive disgrace.

  2. Regardless of whether you’re a Quebecer or not it doesn’t matter as a bare minimum to be GG you must be able to speak English and French fluently. Your job is to represent and be the in-between, between Canadians and the Monarch you can’t do your job if you don’t speak both of our primary languages. Hell even some of our old Aristocratic English GGs like Harold Alexander could or made an effort to learn French and they didn’t exactly care for French Canadians very much.

    Mary Simons spent tens of thousands of taxpayers dollars on trying to learn French and still can’t speak it beyond a basic level then complains that people aren’t treating her fairly for not being able to speak French it’s a joke. She probably shouldn’t be GG tbh.