These Record-Breaking New Solar Panels Produce 60 Percent More Electricity


  1. BothZookeepergame612 on

    These types of panels are a game changer, the technology has finally reached the tipping point.
    Industrial installations will be even applicable then home use…

  2. But these new solar panels are not producable on their own. I’m seeing many many many news like this in recent years. But we still have same solar panels. Same for solid state batteries lol.

  3. Panels with lik 49% efficiency exist on satellites. Issue is cost and durability. Perovskyte has long surpassed silicon efficiency, but doesn’t last 1/10th of it. There were researchers this year that managed to make it last just as much, that is a breakthrough. Until we have 35% efficiency that can last 20-30 years, we’ll continue using the ones we have.