‘Wicked problem’: Coalition doesn’t rule out EV road user tax as fuel excise falls with uptake of greener vehicles



  1. “*McKenzie, asked about whether Australia should ban Chinese-made EVs, answered: “It is not the Coalition’s plan. We won’t be banning EVs.”*”

    This part is surprising, I thought they’d be all over banning EV’s but I guess they’ll probably put that effort into banning/heavily restricting renewable energy instead.

  2. Roulette-Adventures on

    Am I the only one thinking someone is taking bribes or accepting “donations with ^(no) strings attached”.

  3. Technically saving money by less subsidies on importing fuel. Also the supreme court already got rid of the Vic excise tax so who knows what would work.

  4. Obviously the vehicle registration tax I pay of $505/year on my EV which is charged 100% with off-grid power and driven low km commuting to work is not enough for them. Muppets….

  5. This might be an unpopular opinion, but EV drivers should be taxed for using roads. It’s not cheap to maintain roads so they shouldn’t be given a free pass when using them. Not to mention, EVs aren’t some magical solution to the climate crisis. More money should be used to increase PT ridership, frequency and accessibility, not individual cars.

  6. And they shouldn’t.
    Car users absolutely should have to pay tax. I don’t know if per kilometre is necessarily the best way of doing it, because it would disproportionately hurt those in outer suburbs and regional areas, but we definitely need something!
    The gold standard would be congestion charges as they specifically target the problem of the negative traffic externality.