Protesters wave Hezbollah flags at Australian rally

Posted by shit-rmelbourne-says


  1. Areallycoolguy96 on

    Bit silly to fly this, those at these rallies should be advocating for individual Palestinians and Lebanese rather than promoting an Iranian backed militant group. I’m certain this doesn’t reflect every protestor at the rally.
    However, I want to make it very clear that if Hezbollah is deemed a terrorist group than by the same virtue, the Israeli government is a terrorist group too.

  2. ExpressionFearless53 on

    Not tryna sound obnoxious, but instead of protesting, why not go there and do something about it that’d make a great impact to the cause you’re supporting?

  3. When Israel is bombing indiscriminately – no one here has any right to cry sad for people waving their flag. You can take all your supposed morality and shove it. You care not for human life, you only want to pretend you have a moral high ground when you have no humanity.

    While Australia may designate Hezbollah as a terrorist group, very few countries do: [](

    Once upon a time we knew what freedom fighters were. That is exactly what Hezbollah and Hamas are and there should be no shame in flying their flags. Not now – not after what has happened over the last 12 months.

    Fuck the Zionists, fuck the cops, fuck the Australian government for supporting Israel.

  4. No-Imagination9841 on

    Kind of weird to fly the flag of a terrorist sect when their recruits were maimed by pagers and their leader was recently killed.

  5. AddisonDeWitt333 on

    We really cannot take sides in this thing. Myself, I feel terrible for all who are being impacted, but I’m staying WAY out of it.

  6. Lots of folks in Lebanon, Syria, and the US are happy Nasrallah is gone. He was an Iranian tool who killed many Arabs and Westerners as well as Israelis.

  7. In other news:

    At the last Census, 30,660 Victorians were without a home – that’s 27 per cent of Australia’s total (112,494). The most recent data on homelessness from the Australian Bureau of Statistics was collected at the 2021 Census and was published in 2023.

    Where’s the March for what is our very own crisis ? Soooooooooooo many things severely wrong within our own borders yet this is where attention is focused. Virtue signaling would be way more productive if we focused on our own problems.. No ?

    Or am I just crazy to say this ?

  8. Hezbollah are scum. They are hated by the Lebanese and Syrian people (and obviously Israelis). They are a proxy of one of the most evil regimes in the world and a terrorist organisation by any definition I have ever read (and I have a Masters in Terrorism).

    Israel’s attacks against the group over the past fortnight have been breathtaking in their sophistication and success. The country is often (and fairly) criticised for how it responded to the unspeakable atrocities of October 7 by levelling large swathes of the Gaza Strip, but any Western county (including Australia) would have attacked Hezbollah in the way Israel has recently if they were in the same position.

    I hope Lebanon can take advantage of Hezbollah’s weakness to take back their country and stop being a failed state. The people of Lebanon deserve to live without them (and Iran).

  9. Spare_Lobster_4390 on

    Hezbollah was formed to represent the rights of the Shia minority in Lebanon and played a vital role in the fight against the Israeli occupation, so it’s not hard to understand why some Lebanese people may hold a different view of the organization than what we see in western media.

    It is Hezbollah specifically that is being targeted by Israel’s attacks. Is it unreasonable that someone has a flag at a protest?

    I don’t think this is something we need to be outraged over.

  10. Spare_Lobster_4390 on

    Hezbollah was formed to represent the rights of the Shia minority in Lebanon and played a vital role in the fight against the Israeli occupation, so it’s not hard to understand why some Lebanese people may hold a different view of the organization than what we see in western media.

    It is Hezbollah specifically that is being targeted by Israel’s attacks. Is it unreasonable that someone has a flag at a protest?

    I don’t think this is something we need to be outraged over.