“It’s Clear as Day” Moldovan Countryball cartoons by Alex Buretz debunking anti-EU propaganda


Posted by OsarmaBeanLatin


  1. Why don’t they just say, in Romanian of course, “Look at what happened to the UK, it’s not exactly a haven of prosperity.” Or “Do you really want to be worse off like the UK is?”

    Edit: the title clearly says Moldova, why the upvotes? It’s clearly a very incorrect comment. I’m not saying “down vote me” but clearly I’ve made an error.

  2. OsarmaBeanLatin on

    > Cartoon 1

    **Myth**: We will have to pay more for the same things

    **Truth**: EU integration is made slowly in order to keep the ecnomy stable and prices for goods and services to be accessible. It’s clear a day!

    > Cartoon 2

    **Myth**: We can’t join EU without joining NATO

    **Truth**: EU and NATO are separate organizations and don’t establish pre-conditions for gaining membership of one against the other. It’s clear as day!

    > Cartoon 3

    **Myth**: The rights of ethnic and linguisting minorities will not be respected

    **Truth**: EU has 27 languages and respecting the rights of linguistic minorities is an essential condition in order to join. It’s clear as day!

    > Cartoon 4

    **Myth**: The migration in and out of Moldova will live the country without Moldovans and will replace them with foreigners

    **Truth**: Becoming a EU member will not depopulate the country. Lots of Moldovans already travel and work in the EU visa free. The complete integration will encourage return to the country not permanent migration. It’s clear as day!

    > Cartoon 5

    **Myth**: We will pay more than we will get development funds

    **Truth**: EU financial support is significantly larger than national contribution, thus offering substantial funds for the development of infrastructure, education, health, and innovation which will stimulate the general economic growth. It’s clear as day!

    > Cartoon 6

    **Myth**: The LGBTQ+ community will be forcefully promoted in the society

    **Truth**: EU promotes equality and nondiscrimination as core values and also respects soverignty of it’s member states and their right of establishing their own internal policies regarding the LGBTQ+ community. It’s clear as day!

    > Cartoon 7

    **Myth**: Europeans will buy all the land in Moldova

    **Truth**: EU countries have rules which limits the purchase of agricultural land by foreigners. Each nation makes it’s own rules in order to protect it’s local lands. It’s clear as day!

    > Cartoon 8

    **Myth**: We will lose the acces to the traditional markets in CSI and Russia for Moldovan products

    **Truth**: EU integration won’t force Moldova to give up on the traditional markets. On the contrary, the export shares on the CSI markets has gone down from 69,6% in 1997 to 22,1% and the one in EU states has grown from 21,2% to 65,4%. It’s clear as day!

    > Cartoon 9

    **Myth**: National traditions, especially the religious ones will be replaced with foreign values

    **Truth**: EU integration won’t replace national and religious traditions. On the contrary, EU offers support and resources in order to help member states to protect and promote it’s local customs, language and traditions. It’s clear as day!

  3. Advertisinglcy95991 on

    >**Truth**: EU financial support is significantly larger than national contribution, thus offering substantial funds for the development of infrastructure, education, health, and innovation which will stimulate the general economic growth. It’s clear as day!

    How can EU financial support be significantly larger for each nation than its individual contribution? If you give money somewhere, you have to take it from somewhere else. Some countries have to give more than they take.

  4. TechnicalyNotRobot on

    The “EU isn’t NATO” one is kind of in bad faith, as the EU treaties also include a mutual defence clause.

  5. The confusing thing here is that the EU is its own ball, when in fact the EU is many balls of which the Romanian one is one of them.

  6. what about the other option—merging with romania? how do moldovans and romanians perceive this idea?

  7. Previous_Pop6815 on

    It may be surprising to some that people in Moldova need convincing, but we have a heavy anti-EU propaganda campaign, sponsored by Russia through their local puppets.

    You would think the majority would be in favor of joining the EU, but with the heavy anti-EU propaganda, there are many misconceptions.

    Surprisingly or not, some anti-EU topics are the same as in Russia, like the LGBTQ fear-mongering. This isn’t surprising, as some people (Russian speakers, but not only) unfortunately still rely on biased Russian sources of information.

  8. Mult noroc din partea vecinilor voștri! Am multe speranțe că o să fim reuniți în sfârșit. Moldova este România!