Chinese woman living in Tasmania considering leaving because of racist abuse from teens


  1. CommittedMeower on

    Anti-Asian sentiment sharply rose during the pandemic, which received major attention until it became clear who was perpetrating it. Shame things like Stop Asian Hate haven’t received continuing support.

  2. AncientExplanation67 on

    I imagine a decade of anti-chinese propaganda and fear-mongering from the Federal government and USA is a large part of the problem.
    The increased relative poverty, unemployment and cost of living would be another dtiving factor.

  3. totaltomination on

    My Chinese family have been in Australia for longer than there has been a federated Australia

  4. Puzzled_Trouble3328 on

    Australia is gearing up for a confrontation with the Chinese in the near future, unsurprisingly anti-Chinese sentiments are on the rise

    Edit: being downvoted for speaking the truth, stay classy Aussie

  5. It depends. I think it happens a lot more in areas that are more white and less diverse. Leave Tassie and come to Sydney/Melbourne!

  6. Abject-Interaction35 on

    Bus mall twerps. Big enough to cause trouble but too young to get in trouble. Little losers.

  7. The more regional you travel within Australia, the more prevalent it is, either open racism/discrimination or in more subtle and casual ways. Go to a lower social economic/disadvantaged area with government housing, high unemployment, truant kids. You can’t expect much.

    It’s gotten a lot better in the past 20 or so years. But if you don’t live in metropolitan Melbourne or Sydney, there is a noticeable difference.

    Feel sorry and sympathise for the lady in the article. Youths with no supervision or direction in life, antagonising a women just going about her day, pathetic behaviour.