Some guy parked his car like this and now my girlfriend can’t take her car out



  1. If you’re not concerned about the state of your car, I’d intentionally scratch theirs up a bit..

    I mean accidentally as i got into my car from the passenger side into the Drivers side.

    And also as I’m reversing out doing a 3 point turn cus this cunt has literally parked your partner in.

    But fr this is a time where breaking a mirror off is very very acceptable imo.

    Or kicking the fender in.

    Or the Door.

    Or if you have something to puncture, the tires.

    This is genuinely a purposeful attempt to block someone in, claim you were worried for your safety and had to get out.

  2. Pretty sure all carparks in shopping centres are private property, and the centre management should have the power to get that shit C*nts ute towed pretty fast. I’ve been parked in by a delivery van before, they paged the guy, no response after 15 mins, then they had it towed.

  3. Where is this? Apartment garage or a shopping centre car park?

    Call for a tow truck, it might work but depending on where it is they might not be able to do anything.

    If it’s a shopping centre maybe get in touch with the management. At the very least they can make a PA announcement along the lines of “Will the owner of the vehicle with the license plate xyz123, please return to your vehicle as soon as possible.”

    And they may have the power to have cars towed.

  4. heh, mall crawler with beadlocks, OP should let the air out of the tyres, beadlocks might actually be useful for once

  5. Get em towed. It’s lucky that your girlfriend isn’t in an emergency.

    I understand if you accidentally do a bad parking job and you are close to the line at one corner of your car (we are human after all), but totally blocking the next car is taking the piss and they need to learn a lesson.

    For extra points, share the video of the tow truck driving away.

  6. Acrobatic_Ad1546 on

    What a fucken toolbag. OP keep us posted of the outcome!! I’m hoping it gets towed and we get to hear about it!


    Another reason these cars should not be allowed on our roads and in our streets. They are way too big to be practical, and are continuously a pain for other people to deal with.