Sombody in Las Vegas built a 43 foot-tall statue of a naked Donald Trump and titled it “Crooked and Obscene”

Posted by LeanderthalTX


  1. I can’t tell this isn’t really him because it’s too thin and doesn’t have feces running down its leg.

  2. What psychoactive substances does one take in order to get through sculpting that? And where can I get some?

  3. How do people get behind this? Like just for clarity I’ve voted democrat 90% of the time at the polls, and I will do it again this year.

    But aren’t liberals supposed to be body positive and progressive? Isn’t this a bit… I don’t know what to call it except stupid. How is creating a giant, expensive, naked shrine to someone you don’t like supposed to be productive?

    I guess you can write the weirdness off to it being Las Vegas, I just don’t get who the smooth brains are who comment “brilliant” and “awesome”.

  4. Comfortable_Swim_380 on

    This really begs the question.. How you make a 43 foot tall ass naked donald trump and not get discovered much sooner.

  5. Let me start of this comment by saying I hate trump immensely

    But the double standard needs to be pointed out, this is just sexual harassment. Imagine a statue of naked kamala or aoc. It should never be okay to do this type of shit, across the board. If you stand by the principle of consent, it should be easy to see why this is just morally wrong.