No One Cares About the 67 Women Trump Molested and Raped


  1. Loose-Hyena-7351 on

    Because the USA is cesspool of corruption and sexual predators… 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 you guys praise these actors and politicians who are corrupted and have been charged with rape the people of the US look up to this behaviour because they are numb to it …. It has gone on for years and it’s a disgusting thing…. Your government is a joke and your laws have no effect whatsoever on the rich and so called famous… your people are suffering and these clowns make their living off preying upon you…. They manipulated your money and your human rights …. Your country is a laughing stock and a corrupt mess

  2. I do women of America your vote is private when you are in the voting booth. Vote Harris/Walz for your freedom and democracy

  3. Additional-Sir1157 on

    NO ONE EXCEPT those with a Conscience and a Heart. Unlike CONALD CHUMP AND HIS FUCK BOY PARTY

  4. I think the title is wrong. It’s not that no one cares. That’s awful to say. Not everyone knows of them and the media hasn’t done a good job at opening a space to show their stories. Most Americans would care if they knew and heard of each story.

  5. The far-right racist tea party and birthers brought this alternative facts trend to the mainstram. Trump was there at the beginning. There are still people who believe that Obama was a gay male prostitute and the media is lying about it.

    It was a long con to get a large amount of the population to ignore the truth to allow people like Trump or actual ex-prostitutes like Lauren Bobert to rise to a place in government where they can do the bidding of the .1 percenters that got them there.


  6. Lol, are you dumb? The party that is trying it’s best to remove all rights from women(at first) won’t flinch an eye at a few raped women, stands to think they are encouraged by that the act. If they can have it their way, it won’t be deportations, it’ll be genocide, with a side dish of rape.

  7. I believe that is DESPICABLE behavior and am DISGUSTED by the apathy & ignorance of the “society” that only continues to perpetuate the ABUSE & NEGLECT. If not #45, then the Sean COMBS situation & prosecutions will provide a very real case study.