Experts Warn of Growing Inhalant Trend on TikTok as ‘Chroming’ Gains Popularity | Researchers have analyzed dozens of videos amassing millions of views on TikTok that feature the trend.


  1. So the shit they’re doing in the latest Mad Max remake? This sounds like a Darwin Award type situation…

  2. Yeah, this “new trend” is anything but new. And that shit will delete brain cells like gangbusters and physical injury is common due to loss of motor control…which will be absolutely devastating to people who make life choices based on TikTok “challenges.”

  3. ProtozoaPatriot on

    My generation called it huffing. I’m old enough to know what airplane glue is. A subset of inhaling stuff was whippet, when it was the nitrous oxide in certain aerosol cans. I’m in my 50s. This isn’t a growing trend. There will always be a % of really stupid people who will do anything to attempt to alter their brain chemistry.

  4. They renamed whippets to chroming. It’s still whippets, which is what the bottom feeders of society do to further damage their brains.

  5. So the crazy part about N20 use is not that it’s on the rise, it’s the volume. A small container like the ones shown in the photo are 8g. Galaxy Gas, which is available to order online, comes in single containers ranging from 375g to 2000g.

    Also I hate the lazy journalism of tagging this as a tik-tok trend. Kids use social media and it’s one of the larger platforms, it’d be like calling a rise of marijuana use in 2005 a “Myspace trend”. It’s not a trend, it’s not a challenge, it’s recreational drug use among teenagers.

  6. Natural selection will take its course.

    Nothing like starving your brain of oxygen, knocking out, and hitting your head on the pavement, for a brief high. 🙄

  7. Weird to see this come back as “Chroming”, when it used to be called “Whippets” before that. Might have had a different name before that.