[1 min čitanja]

Outside of the tourist season, they are rarely a topic, this morning I was talking to a friend who is a member, so I decided to post my thanks.

In the video attachment, you can see the HGSS team from the Gospić station in regular training activities last weekend. The people of Gospic have the reputation of one of the highest quality stations and the best trained members. I don’t know if it is due to genetics and personal character or some other factors.

By the way, the Croatian Mountain Rescue Service (HGSS) is practically a humanitarian organization that deals with providing assistance and saving lives in inaccessible areas. Mountains, forests, rivers, lakes and speleological facilities. HGSS is part of the civil protection system of the Republic of Croatia.

HGSS has about 1,000 members, who are mostly volunteers. All members undergo rigorous training that includes mountaineering skills, first aid, caving, searches in difficult conditions, avalanche techniques and more. They give up a lot of time and nerves for no money. Which is rare in today’s society.

Even if they were to draw up a price list of services and print cost estimates for interventions and charge their efforts, in most cases, to reckless tourists, they could have even better and better quality equipment and infrastructure.

I believe there are some on reddit as well, so if anyone has any interesting stories, please share them with us.


Posted by AnderArmor

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