Mark Cuban says Trump has turned the GOP into his family business


  1. From the article: 

    In an interview with CNBC’s “Squawk Pod” on Thursday, Cuban discussed the GOP presidential candidate with billionaire hedge fund manager David Tepper and SEC chief Gary Gensler.

    “All we’ve seen Donald Trump do is hire his relatives,” Cuban told Tepper and Gensler. “Right? RNC? Here comes the daughter-in-law. You know who’s going to speak for him? His two sons.”

    “Hey, we’ve got a new silver coin! Here come the sons!” he said.

    Cuban added: “The family business is now the Republican Party.”

  2. He thinks the GOP is one of the 6 business he bankrupted. By the time he’s done with them, they’ll nudge him out of their party

  3. Somewhat surprised to see how hard Cuban has been going after Trunp. Amusing how often he was floated as an idea to run 3rd party etc. before Biden dropped out.

    If you want to make sure Trump stays fired, make sure you’re registered and talk to your friends to make sure they are voting as well.

  4. That’s really true. Who’s cochair of Republican Party? Who controls money in the party. Republicans should ask what is the average duration of a Donald business before it goes bankrupt ?

  5. Cuban is a super wealthy billionaire and a staunch republican, yet RW voters refuse to listen to him and the thousands of other lifelong republicans just b/c they’re ignorantly loyal to Trump.

  6. This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original]( reduced by 87%. (I’m a bot)
    > Mark Cuban says Trump has turned the Republican Party into his own "Family business.”

    > The younger Trump son was part of a yearslong civil investigation into the Trump Organization's business dealings – and participated in a six-hour deposition in 2020 that saw him invoking his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination more than 500 times.

    > "For all Trump supporters. A question. Which startups has Donald Trump ever invested in that didn't involve a family member?"Cuban star wrote in an X post on September 8.

    [**Extended Summary**]( | [FAQ]( “Version 2.02, ~694466 tl;drs so far.”) | [Feedback]( “PM’s and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.”) | *Top* *keywords*: **Trump**^#1 **Cuban**^#2 **business**^#3 **son**^#4 **Family**^#5

  7. I wish him as much success as he had with Trump U, Trump steaks, Trump casino, Trump water, Trump vodka, Trump airlines and Trump Jr.

    I wish him exactly that much success.

  8. I’ve always liked and respected Mark Cuban, and this week that went up several levels. Glad he’s on the team!

  9. What did anyone expect? This is all he has ever known to do in his life. That “businessman” these morons elected once only knows how to run a scam business which seeks to bankrupt itself for profits to Trumps 300 LLCs.

  10. Expert_Box_2062 on

    And thank fuck for that.

    There is nobody else in this country that I am more certain would run the GOP into the ground just like all their other businesses.

    So long, Republicans. You’ll not be missed. Now it’s your turn to have no party that accurately reflects your values as your choices become voting Democrat or voting for whatever new left-leaning party pops up after the Republican party completely collapses. You had your chance at power and you were shown to be lacking in empathy so you have failed and now your party goes to the woodchipper.


  11. PerritoMasNasty on

    And if I check my notes, it looks like all of his family businesses are complete failures. Can’t wait for the bankrupted GOP, please come soon.

  12. No, the GOP has turned the GOP into the Trump family business. Trump would be nowhere if not for the GOP enabling him all the way, bending over backwards to give him everything he yelled for, and selling their souls for a chance at a gullible idiot letting them walk their way into fascism.

    To pin this on Trump is just another political play.

  13. Hawking Bibles, shoes, NFTs, DJT stock, some concept of a cryptocurrency… The GOP are the only ones eating it all up. He’s definitely found the right Mark for his type of grifts.

  14. The guy is now selling $100,000 watches to the stooges now. did they learn a lesson from the gold sneakers, autographed bibles, NFTs, etc… NOPE!

  15. OpenImagination9 on

    And we know exactly how “good” he is at that.

    Folks, we can’t let Trump bankrupt America.